Snowmageddon Winter

The winter of 2016-17 will go down in the books this year!


We begin with mid December when Lady Winter was ramping it up…


And she snowed…and snowed…all dang day long throughout January 2017!


Dotty and Ellie preferred watching TV, trying to sleep a bit and getting caught up on their shows…


Lassie, Mr. Ed, Caribbean Homes and Life’s A HOT Beach anywhere but here…Help!


And the sky continued to fall with more snow…lots of snow!


Adding a bit of drama each time with a tad bit of…


Artistic wind whipped drifts…make that Holy Cow drifts!


“So, Ellie, what do you think?”


“I think Dad’s shop is buried!”


“Yep it’s buried and so are the barn doors!”


“Holy Cow, can you see him? Dasher looks stuck against the building…lets go help him”


“Dotty…I have never had snow up to my belly before…WOWIE”  “Ellie, I still don’t have snow up to my belly…cuz I’m bigger…snicker ha-ha-hee-haw snicker!”



Stay Tuned:)

Juniper Canyon Crazy Snow Dazzle!

Juniper Canyon Crazy Snow Dazzle


Happens every few years…


It’s been a long time since we had a normal winter here…


And this year we have a fun winter!


With crazy dog daze play!


“Hey you…I’m the boss and I need to be in the lead!”


And “Who the heck are you anyway?”


You have lots of Dots…and your name is Dotty…and you are my new fur-sister!


And we leave you tonight with wishes for a Cool Crazy Week!


And “Snow Daze” will be continued…stay tuned:)


Foggy Winter Days Descend On Juniper Canyon!

Foggy winter days descend on Juniper Canyon…ranging between gloomy gray days and more gloomy gray days!


Between freezing fog, icy roads…cold temps and snow…winter has arrived in the North Country!


This year I decided to fight the gloom instead of succumbing to the dreariness at hand. Thanksgiving week reminded me to make my yearly list of gratitude and blessings to share at dinner on turkey day.  The day after Thanksgiving, I thought why not keep my gratitude list going…remembering good stuff and good times while adding them to my “Christmas Cheer and Twinkle List.”


 “And I’m making my list to see who was naughty or nice..and I’m checking it twice!” Ok I’m snickering and I hope you are too. It’s more fun to remember the silly times, the good times…and the heart of your memories that only you can share…I love it! Makes me laugh and cry at the same time while keeping a heart full of country cowgirl gratitude.


I’m thankful for my life and the many blessings in my life…ten years on 2-9-2016…get your mammogram!


My first blessing of gratitude is my hubby….I love “Wild Bill” and appreciate him everyday. I am blessed to be his and to call him my soul mate, husband and best friend:) He always makes me smile:)


“I’m coming Melody…hang on”…as I am slip sliding down the hill to feed her breakfast. I love each of my horses forever, once they come to live with me, they are my forever horse…and I love my Melody. I am thankful for all my horses and having the privilege of riding horses all my life while growing up on a cattle ranch.

Dad and I Herding Cattle

I thought everyone had a cattle ranch as a kid…eventually, I came to realize how lucky and blessed I was to experience life on a remote cattle ranch. Without radio, television or any kind of civilization, ranch life taught me a lot of life skills of survival. You learn to think outside the box…when its you and often you alone…you learn how to problem solve as you have to figure it out.

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During the summer and fall months, I grabbed on to each day to ride for cows with my Dad…and almost everyday we did just that…25,000 mountainous acres and 800 head mama cows with babies and several head of bulls…kept us busy all summer and fall.


Each day that I look out our windows, I love our log fence…yup it’s a keeper…its great for capturing interesting views year round! I love the look and it fits this old ranch house!


I love my 60′ round corral with nice sand footing…and our barn cats give it a four paws up on their 60′ litter box!


And then there is our “Tucker Watch Girl”…she can be very serious! She is such a blessing to us as she is always waiting for us and follows us where ever we go!


Tucker is in the back of the Aussie pack and bashful…then Kiah as she is in front of Tucker…then Dasher who is in front of Kiah…and in the lead is Mr. Auzzie….all four of our dogs in this photo are rescue Aussies…we love them each individually and as a pack…they are amazing dogs, super smart and so loved:) By the way, Kiah is half-sister to Ellie, our sweet two year old girl!


And then, there are horse’s soft noses:) Nothing like their breath mingling with yours…and their smell is truly heavenly…sounds silly unless you know this horse owner fact too that, cleaning a horse stall does not smell bad at all! Horses are blessings to the heart and soul…and they give me peace with lots of happy smiles. When I get on my horse, WB says I get this little girl smile on my face of pure joy:)


And my Minnie Mouse…she was beautiful in heart and spirit…she knew when you were sad and she knew when it was time to celebrate…she was with me for almost 20 years. She crossed the rainbow bridge a bit over a year ago…it was incredibly hard. I am thankful for every year of her sweet life and for everyday that she was with me, she was my kitty girl and wherever I went she was with me. She was an incredible kitty girl…I was blessed beyond imagination:)


Back to my round corral…I seriously love it! I appreciate the hard work WB and our cowboy son Curt put into building it for me. I will do a post on that someday soon!


I am thankful for the blessing of Ellie…she makes me laugh every day and is full of love with lots of heart. She walked with me through sad times and grief when I lost Minnie…she was gentle and loving during our hard days. I’m sure Minnie asked God for a helper knowing how hard it would be for us when she crossed the rainbow bridge and Ellie Belle is my helper and so much more…she is my buddy, my joy and my heart:)


The gloomy gray days of fog can only be gloomy, if we choose them to be. Instead I smile, bundle up in my Carhart’s grab my camera and head out to find something to photograph. Whether I am inside the house or outside, I seek to do things that make my heart sing! Inside the house I often crank up my tunes and dance…wood floors make it super fun too:)


Smile…click click click…gotcha!


We are blessed to call this spec of earth our home…especially with shots like this:)


Being grateful is one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves…loving what we have instead of what we don’t have…if we can focus on the positive instead of the bad…the good more than the bad…we’ll find peace and smiles…


Wishing you all a warm week and weekend ahead…we have snow, freezing rain, winds are blowing and its cold! I need some tea or eggnog to warm up:)


It’s time to decorate the Christmas tree…Ho Ho Ho…HRCG Over And Out For Now…But Never For Long:)

A Quiet Reverence Of Snow…

A quiet reverence of snow falls softly on the land…as life holds its breath.


There is something about snow falling out here in the middle of nowhere that brings a silence of holiness…as time seems to stands still.


Silence fills your heart with purity as the small white flakes fall quietly around you.


The silence brings sad memories too of loosing my sweet kitty girl, Minnie Mouse a year ago yesterday…


While I know she is safe and someday I will see her again,


I miss her presence and her sweet spirit…


Her beautiful green eyes and her kind kitty girl heart.


Tonight as I write it is super cold, with icy roads and fog that drifts in and out of our canyon.


Old memories come back each holiday season as I miss the loss of relationship with family and miss those who are no longer with us. I miss the old days…and the old ways.


I hope that you all have a wonderful turkey day tomorrow, with lots of good stuff…new memories, good food and always lots of laughter. The second turkey we cooked on our Traeger….oh my, it is darn good! Whoo-Hoo and so easy too! If you don’t have a Traeger yet, get one as they are worth it!!! Everything you cook on them is absolutely delicious!!!


“Happy Thanksgiving” From “Wild Bill and HRCG”…


“And Our Gang!”

HRCG Here Bringing You The News…And The Rest Of The Story!

HRCG here…bringing you the news and the rest of the story…


Stay tuned for the Wednesday night edition as follows.


Live once again from the North Country of South Juniper Canyon, where we are currently frozen in winter’s frigid grip!


I am wondering if we were somehow transported to Siberia as it feels like Siberia!


After a rather mild Christmas week, Sunday night we were hit with heavy snow and wild winds from the North…here in the North Country!


An interesting fact about Juniper Canyon is that it truly has its own whacky weather pattern and we live in a whacky world out here!


Just over the hill from us, about 3 miles from our house is a four-way crossing and landmark called King’s Corner. You can be driving home from town, 20 miles away and the weather, the roads and life in general are great until…(I need a little Sci-Fi music)…you cross the crossing at Kings Corner and climb over the hill into the hinter lands of Juniper Canyon.

Our WY. Driveway

As the guys who work for us this morning found out…all was great until they climbed the first big hill and surprise-surprise-surprise! They traveled on into the winter twilight zone of Juniper Canyon…and then they came to the driveway or did they???!

Wyoming Snow Storm

I tried to get out of the driveway (which driveway?) late morning for town errands…but as you can see I’m stuck…seriously!


Seems we were the only ones who got the intense snow storm Sunday night and the only ones today who had close to zero wind chill all day long…and late Tuesday night, as I write, it is down to a -6 degree wind chill in a frozen…wild and woolly South Juniper Canyon world…and I love it…this is home:)


I have no clue as to why our weather out here is more severe and so different…at times it is funny to those of us who live out here…in the “outer limits” of weather hell!


We natives who live out here for generations, take it in stride calling it “Typical Juniper Canyon Weird Weather.”


And finally, I have gained some wise motherly wisdom from my Mom, on driving winter roads out here…now when we have crazy weather changes, I stay home! I remember Mom asking me “Are you going to stay home due to the roads?” and I would roll my eyes saying “Mom, I have four-wheel drive so I will be fine.” “Mom I finally get it…I do:)”


Now I call to cancel my dental appointment in town due to icy roads and drifting snow only to have the receptionist on the other end laugh at me….and I say “What?” “No seriously I am not trying to get out of my dental appointment…the roads are really bad out here!”


By the sounds of it we of the “North Country” will have arctic cold and be snow/ice-bound for the rest of the week…in the mean time we will hunker down and stick close to the fireplace, drinking something warm…waiting on the county road grader and sand truck if they are about…they have many miles to cover besides us.


I always stock up…last time to the store for me was 10 days and I’m good to last much longer…however I like to go to town once a week or so, as heading to the store means fun, as I get to see everyone that I know most of my town days:)


Yep native here…we are survivalist for the most part, we farmers, ranchers and car builders! And here’s hoping that we have no power outages!


I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!


Ellie Girl had a great Christmas! She is so sweet and loves to play as she is giving me her love-maul!


“Yippee Ki-Yay-Yip-Yip! Aren’t I cute?”


Wherever you are in this giant world…we wish you a


“Happy New Years Eve and a Happy New Year Ahead!!!”


Until next time this is HRCG checking out…”Hey Wild Bill where is that warm eggnog before I crash…ok never mind?”


Dedicated To My Kitty Angel Girl…My Minnie Mouse


God Bless you Min-Mouse, The Kitty Of My House…I Love and Miss You!


And that is the rest of the story for today….stay tuned.

Happy Happy New Years!

Majestic Moments Filled … With Magical Merriment!

May You Have Majestic Moments…


Filled With…


Magical Merriment…


And The Glorious Beauty Of Christmas!


May You Celebrate The Blessings Of The Season With…

Minnie Woo Hoo Fun



A Savior Is Born From God Above…Rejoice And Again I Say Rejoice…Our King, Lord Jesus Lives!


May Your Hearts Be Deeply Touched


By The True Spirit Of Christmas!


Wishing You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!


From Hot Rod Cowgirl And Wild Bill…


And All Our Critters!


Glory Glory Hallelujah King Jesus!

Misty Memories Of Mom

Misty memories of my Mom came to me this late afternoon.


I had been in the office all day and as I walked into the kitchen, the view outside my window was full of magic time and late afternoon fog drifting, eddying around the sagebrush across the road towards the creek…and it hit me…all of a sudden I was a young girl getting home from school on the school bus…climbing down the stairs of the bus, I turned and said “Have a good evening Red”…yes my bus driver had red hair and he was called Red by all the locals.


As I looked towards the house, I could see a golden glow of warmth emanating from within. I knew Mom was cooking something special for dinner and she probably had something good for an after school treat!


Mom loved to cook and always had snacks, and good stuff…I hurried up the steps as Mom opened the front door saying “Oh Honey, let me help you with that school bag”…she often had a dress on with her apron and a welcoming hug and smile.


I could smell something sweet and divine…homemade chocolate cake for dinner desert and warm chocolate chip cookies for my snack…all made with Mom’s love:)  She usually had our beef in the oven…my favorite was her roast beef with potatoes, gravy and fruit salad! Mom was a loving wife and always a very classy lady. This photo was taken in town at my Grandma’s house on Easter…we had to do photo ops and I wanted to go hunt Easter eggs with my cousins by the dang dozen! I was being a stinker too…and I remember a swift swat on the patoot!


Mom’s life was Dad and me…along with a few cattle dogs, lots of cows and several horses…she taught me so much about marriage by example and living life in a small community. In this photo we had been busy with the photographer all day taking photos of us as my Dad was President of the Pendleton Round Up…he was very deserving and truly the “Cowboy’s President” and we were excited for him and his recognition…but we were all tired!


Once I had explained all the details of my day at school including the bus trip home, I settled in front of the TV and ate my cookies while watching Flicka or Fury or Sky King…now it is my camera that settles me…I love grabbing shots to share:)

Me and Red 1958

And all was well in a simple country girl’s life growing up:)


Have a Wonderfully Wild Weird Wednesday! HRCG Over And Out But…I’m On A Roll With My Camera…I Might Catch Ya! Click Click Click!

Photos Of This And That On HRCG!

Photos of this and that on HRCG is me sorting through over 3000 photos.


Minnie Mouse telling me….”Ahhhh Mom, don’t worry I am with you…I will be your nurse and your heart…I will make you smile as you recover from BC.” And she did:)

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Remember you can click on all my pictures and they will enlarge:)

Curt-Annie-Ry 011

Annie’s time…hooking on with son Curt!


Pat and Jack…


Dasher and Kiah!


My sweet Melody:)




Incredibly quiet and beautiful!


Wishing you a fun-filled week wherever you may be!


Stay tuned as I did not make a dent in the 3000 photos:)

An Ethereal Mist Of Snow Falls Gently

An ethereal mist of snow falls gently to the ground with a muffled hush…


As the landscape becomes a unity of white.


That brings me delight!


As I tuck myself in…and God Night:)

God Of Wonder…God Of Light…God’s World Is My Delight!

God of wonder…God of light…God’s world is my delight.


I love capturing weather shots…and the last few years we have had interesting weird weather to photograph!


Last night as I looked up to the heavens, I saw a million stars above my head with no end in sight…it takes my breath away, no matter how many times I have looked up. I wish I could have captured what I saw with my camera…instead I captured this moon shot a few months ago and I thought you would enjoy it. I love the power lines as they frame the moon…giving Mr. Harvest Moon an interesting look.


We have a few more inches of snow today and now we are under a Winter Storm Alert for more snow with below zero temperatures. It is seriously cold out…it is 17 degrees this afternoon with a minus 2 due to windchill.


Mr. Buck says “Where are my Apple Asses…and I need more hay too”…hang on Buckaroo…here it comes…just for you!


Winter is finally making her appearance and she’s on a roll…hang on!!!!!

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