In A Nano Second, A Blink Of Life Evaporates…

In a nano second, a blink of life evaporates…

as it trickles through the hourglass of time.

Sunday dawned a typical day for us..

Wild Bill and I had a list of stuff we wanted to do around the ranch…

Summers here are my favorite time of year to be outside…

I love being outdoors carrying my camera along to grab photos of life to capture and share .

Early Sunday afternoon we were formulating our plan of attack, when I noted I felt light headed.

I told WB that something was wrong and I needed to sit down.

As much as I tried to shrug it off, I felt sick to my stomach…breaking into a clammy sweat, WB called for help as he thought I was having a heart attack or a stroke.

The paramedics arrived shortly and Life Flight landed down at the end of our horse arena, I was loaded into the helicopter, WB was already on the road to the hospital to meet us when we landed.

The rest is history…lots of tests and luckily for me it was not a heart attack or stroke…instead I was diagnosed with severe vertigo.

I am very thankful it was not a heart attack or stroke

As life slowly trickles through the hands of time…

Hang to your loved ones and live life…



Our Ms. Tucker Girl…

Our Ms. Tucker Girl crossed the rainbow bridge to heaven 9-1-2016…

We worried about her over the summer as she ate lots and kept loosing weight…but she was still our Tucker girl, full of life and heart. And on that early September morning we knew something was very wrong, off to the vet we went…hoping her to be ok.

Instead, we had to make a very hard decision, she was bleeding internally…options were, we could try invasive tests/exams etc…but we knew it was time to let our girl go and our vet agreed. When you love your animals…you know in your gut when its time to help them cross the rainbow bridge…even though it is hard.


Tucker was one of those heart dogs, anointed by God to immediately land in your heart and be full of love for you…

I loved her deep brown eyes…like golden pools of light from her heart and soul!

Tucker was a camera dog as she loved to pose for you…

Cowboy son Curt, captured a sequence of photos below of Tucker, showing her personality and her heart…and her comments.

I hope you enjoy them as much as we have.

“Sun feels doggie dang good!”

“Huh..uhhh, what are you looking at cowboy?”

“I’m basking in the morning sun and ahhhh, feels so good!”

“I’ll pose for you but don’t bug me too long”

“I feel a yawn coming on”

“And a nap is in order”

“I’m almost asleep!”

“You still here?”


“Maybe I’ll rest my eyes for a bit”

“Or maybe I’ll keep my eye on you!”

You Will Forever Be In Our Hearts Sweet Tucker Girl…

5-23-2003 to 9-1-2016


Snowmageddon Winter

The winter of 2016-17 will go down in the books this year!


We begin with mid December when Lady Winter was ramping it up…


And she snowed…and snowed…all dang day long throughout January 2017!


Dotty and Ellie preferred watching TV, trying to sleep a bit and getting caught up on their shows…


Lassie, Mr. Ed, Caribbean Homes and Life’s A HOT Beach anywhere but here…Help!


And the sky continued to fall with more snow…lots of snow!


Adding a bit of drama each time with a tad bit of…


Artistic wind whipped drifts…make that Holy Cow drifts!


“So, Ellie, what do you think?”


“I think Dad’s shop is buried!”


“Yep it’s buried and so are the barn doors!”


“Holy Cow, can you see him? Dasher looks stuck against the building…lets go help him”


“Dotty…I have never had snow up to my belly before…WOWIE”  “Ellie, I still don’t have snow up to my belly…cuz I’m bigger…snicker ha-ha-hee-haw snicker!”



Stay Tuned:)

Ellie In The Sky With Diamonds?


Ellie in the sky with diamonds…or was it Lucy…hmmm???


Ellie how did you do that?


Do what Mom?




Oh that…well its cuz…


I’m so adorable that even the clouds love me…


And I loves yous too my sweet Ellie Belle:)

Jeeping Evening

WB and I met 40 years ago on Valentines Day when we were 10:)


WB and HRCG wish you a Happy Valentines Day weekend!

HRCG is over and out…stay tuned………

A Throw Away Nation Verses A Cowgirl Heritage Keeper!

A throw away nation verses a cowgirl heritage keeper…Me!


In today’s modern world if I want it…I can find it. And if I break something, I can run to Wal-Mart and replace it…and if I get tired of something, well I can throw it out and get a new one…furniture, computers, phones, cars…marriages are easy come easy go if it does not work out…and the American Family that God created, is gone. I remember reading long ago in the bible that in the end of days brother would be against brother and children would be against their parents…at the time I could not fathom that…but today I can. We have it in our own family and we see it in families around us.


But…what about heritage and family history? Easy come…easy go you say…what? No that is not the way it is to be…family honor and people are important. Heritage sometimes takes hard work and sometimes it is not easy but in the end it is so very worth it!


I took this photo of Minnie on New Years morning while she was waiting for her bacon…


And Miss Ellie was waiting for her bacon too…she is my shadow now and Minnie is my master…I’m in good hands, I mean paws:)


After breakfast…I downloaded my photos and noticed how interesting this photo turned out with the intense colors in the morning light. I love the varied deep red colors full of artistic patterns that pulls the design together with the old wood floor and the old dry sink. I began to hear the stories of life and the history in each piece…which made my heart smile.


The red leather sofa you see is full of family history, young love, lots of heritage with a great story to tell. In the early 1940’s, my Mom and Dad were preparing for family to come visit the ranch. Mom was cleaning house so she sent my Dad to town by himself to purchase a bedroom set for the guest room…why I don’t know? The road to town was 20 miles of dirt and gravel, with ruts and various other things to drive over and through…maybe that’s why she sent him? Dad was gone all day and when he came home, he had gotten a good deal on the bedroom set, so he bought a red leather sofa and chair set to surprise Mom, for their living room.


Mom was surprised and more than a little! Mom did not like the color red or leather furniture! She told me she instantly saw red when Dad got home with it!


Dad was shocked as he thought she would “Love the rich brown leather sofa and chair“…but Dad was color blind and red looked like brown!


Mom was a trooper as they used the red sofa for many years…and she kept it, she did not throw it away. In their 60 years of marriage, they only purchased 3 sofa’s…you see the world was different then…you appreciated things given to you or things that you bought. Society had a better value on the things we saved our money for…and hardly anyone used a credit card. Mom always told me to “Spend wisely and be sure you will be happy with what you choose, as you will have it a long time…you don’t need top of the line but medium is about right as you want it to last.” And “If you choose wrongly and are not happy with it, you have to live with it and make the best of it.” I had good parents…if I made wrong choices, they made me learn from my mistakes. In today’s world, we see kids make wrong choices and their parents either rescue them or do not make them pay the price to learn from their mistake…its sad to see as part of learning about life and being responsible for yourself, is learned through our mistakes.


Dad loved his sofa and so do I as it’s long and we are tall. I will keep it forever…it has never been recovered, they made things to last in the 1940’s! I love the wear of life that shows on the old leather! Mostly though, I love the story.


The Navajo blanket has a chapter to share too. Dad took a trip with a buddy to Texas to buy a young horse named Red that had good bloodlines etc. It was not a quick trip on freeways like we have today.

Mom and Dad Cook Shack Juniper T

Dad was on a mission to find the perfect gift for Mom, hoping to win a few brownie points for his being gone and buying another horse. He found a beautiful Navajo Blanket and proudly brought it home thinking Mom would love it. Notice the red again…whoops…darn color blindness! It was not fun to be with Dad in a large city either…red lights, HA!


Mom kept the Navajo with the red sofa and chair for a few years in the living room, after all they matched. When Mom told me the story, she he told me “its the thought that counts and not the gift”…so very true. Eventually, the Navajo hung with honor on the wall of the den with the red sofa under it when I grew up…I love it and so does Minnie Mouse!

Pole Bending On Red

Red turned out to be a great horse that Dad had for many years, and he eventually became my second horse, that’s Red with me above.


In closing I wanted to share this photo of Mr. Rooster. He was showing off for me on the log fence…he hung around the pasture close to the house when I went through breast cancer a few years ago…each morning he appeared promptly about 8:00 to visit me out my window, as if he was checking on me. I’m coming up on my 8th Anniversary and was thinking about him…truly he was a gift of Majesty!


As I sit with my feet up enjoying the view of family history…I realize we grew up in a different world than today’s world. Oh sure sometimes I love technology, or going to the big city to shop for clothes and I appreciate a good running vehicle…but nothing can replace family heritage, family honor, cherished memories, truth, dignity and respect…my parents saw to it that I learned these valuable lessons for living life…as our traditions tell the story of family history and that is the basis and foundation of our lives.

Life is too short and precious to throw it away.

Wishing you a peaceful night…and a wonderful Happy New Week!

Life With Ms. Ellie, Horse Nuggets And Me!

Life with Ms. Ellie has been one of the greatest blessings and events of our life this summer.


Here she is at six weeks of age…before we brought her home. She is adorable and then some with her sweet eyes and fun disposition.


She is so smart and attentive to life around her.


Do you remember Kiah? She is the one in front in this photo from last summer. She is a half-sister to Ellie. They both have the same father. Kiah was super smart…hard to explain but she was smarter than Tucker and Dash…and they are smart. Kiah and Ellie are much more connected to you in relationship and they discern events before they happen…very intuitively smart…good watch dogs…and very protective.


And here is Ms. Ellie the day we brought her home, meeting Tucker, she was 9 weeks and very cute:) She snuggled in my lap the 6-7 hours it took to get home and never got sick…she immediately fit into our hearts:)


Sweet Little Ellie Bell!


And what is she doing but crawling under the fence to snag a horse nugget!


“Honest Mom…I’m only eating two-horse nuggets!”


 “Mom I saw Ellie eat three nuggets!”


“Uh-uh no I only ate two really…look at my eyes, I love you Mom.”


And she was soooooo excited after the terrible storm we had that appeared to be some kind of funnel cloud that swept up millions of horse nuggets, depositing them in her yard just for her to have for snacking!


I love the way Ellie lays in the yard…her usual pose as she likes the feel of the cool grass under her…she is so cute:) Can you tell I’m a push over with my girl?


Ellie and I walk together for exercise and to burn off some of the puppy energy she has. Ellie is 15 weeks old now, you can see the maturity coming in her eyes.


And yet as we are heading out for our walk, passing by the arena, I feel a tug behind me on the leash…what? “Ellie, what are you doing….oh geez, more horse nugget snacks sidetracked her!” What is it about horse poop that cow dogs are drawn to? By the way notice her copper bottom is in the shape of a steer head…her little steer head bottom makes me smile no matter what! I loves her lots and lots! We are making many good memories together that I will carry in my heart forever.


Like the first time I took her to our vet for her next vaccination, she was about 11 weeks old. Wild Bill could not go with us that day, darn it! I could not drive and hold her on my lap to comfort her from the intimidating feeling of the Suburban. I had lots of rags just in case she got sick etc. Well about half way to town I smelled it…oh my gosh!!! She had pooped a very smelly one in the back of the Burb! She was so scared that it scared it out of her…I felt so sorry for her. I pulled over to clean it up but I did not have any paper towels or napkins…typical! I figured out a way to hold her in my lap and drove the rest of the way to town one-handed, as I worried for her being scared and was afraid she would walk in it! As soon as we got to the vet’s they had stuff for me to use to clean it up! Ahhhhh yes puppy love! Nothing like picking up smelly gooshy puppy poop with a thin paper napkin….eeeeew!


Minnie decided Ellie is ok…they give each other respect for being different, which is good. Ellie would love to play with Minnie, but I told her, NO, not until Minnie is ready…Minnie has to know you better. Yet Ellie will protect Minnie if she ever needs it as she looks at her as part of her family. That is the true heart of an Aussie…they love and protect their family.


Kiah would have loved Ms. Ellie too…she would approve. We miss you and love you forever Ms. Kiah:)


“Come on Mom, let’s go explore some more!” Ellie loves our walks as do I! And as I bring this post to a close, Minnie is in her chair with her heat pad on, all snuggled down on one side of me and Ellie is asleep on my feet as I type on the other side of me:) I love our animal babies….each and every one of them:) May you be blessed tonight, knowing that your animals love you and need you…have a wonderful tomorrow!


HRCG, her critters and camera are over and out for now…but not for long!


“I love those horse nuggets! Mom doesn’t know what she is missing!”