Welcome To The Juniper Joust….


Welcome To The Juniper Joust In Juniper Canyon!

The Juniper Joust Rodeo was formed in the 1940’s by two like-minded neighbors and friends, my Dad and Fred Hill…who invited their friends to come out to Juniper Canyon to the ranch for a fun rodeo play day….you can click on the photos and they will enlarge!

Horseback games, like the boot race and musical ropes, figure eight race, pole bending and barrel racing, along with lots of visiting, lots of good eating and lots of good times!  Not only were they making memories out here in Juniper Canyon…they were making history and heritage to pass on.

And they did, as the Juniper Joust was born before I was born, and here I am all these years later, sharing the stories and memories of two great friends living the cowboy life in the mid 1940’s.

Can you believe a local rodeo began across from our house…in the middle of my horse pasture?

Yet, here is the proof, it’s rodeo day and people were showing up…some of them rode their horses out from Pendleton to the rodeo…about 20 miles away…while some trailered their horses to the ranch. Our house is on the very far right of the photo, you can see just a small corner of it…note the dirt/gravel road…no paved road in those days!

The Juniper Joust program above dated April 28, 1946, included the Mustanger’s (Saddle Club) as joint sponsors with the Joust…I’m not sure how many years the Juniper Joust continued…

I would love to go back in time to see the rodeo across from our house…right there where Buck is munching away…

The day before the rodeo, the cooking crew dug a b-q pit in the ground to cook a whole beef…they had 200-300 people show up for the rodeo and lunch…its amazing no one from the cooking crew fell into the pit, with the beef, from some stories I was told!

Old days and good times were had by all, eating mouth-watering b-q beef on a bun with barbecue sauce for lunch and visiting…the old way of relationship and connection that we have lost today, which makes me sad…I miss those old days!

My beautiful classy Mom, with her long hair up in braids, wearing her well known smile!

And my Dad roping on “Jingo” at the rodeo…

I’m not sure if they are doing the stake race or the bending race…

Old-time stories are still here, with the good times of community and family coming together. Above photo was taken in the early 60’s in Dad’s roping arena, my Dad is on the far left, my uncles and his brothers Tom, Jens, Ralph in the back row and brother Ron far left on the bottom, cousins Gerald and Steve, with Ron’s twin brother Rich. My two younger cousins, Steve and Gunder were with their Dad, Uncle Ralph.

The old roping arena is still here today…its gone through many stages from roping to barrel racing to working cattle to training young horses and adding a round corral a few years back…

Between cowboy stories…

Hot Rods with cool horsepower…

History and heritage with horses and cows…

 How can you ever be bored out here in the North Country or as we call it Juniper Canyon!

Happy Thanksgiving From…

Hot Rod Cowgirl and Her Gang!

Its Coming…Warm Days And Crazy Summer Nights!

It’s coming…

Warm days and crazy summer nights!

We are popping green here!

With more rain than usual…and weird to see moss growing on top of the soil under my log fence and moss on the trunks of trees…

This is Eastern Oregon…we are always dry here except for the last few years…crazy!

Dasher agrees…its time for crazy warmer days…

With green hills of wheat and incredible sunsets!

I Miss My Sweet Kiah…she would have loved both Ellie and Fly Bear!

An Aunt to one and a Great Aunt to the other…I miss you so much girl!

For now we have warmer spring days…

And my smart alack horse smiling at me as I snap her picture:)

Love you My Sweet Melody…you are a song to my heart!

Summer nights are coming….

With Doves sitting on top of my house looking at me as I snap a picture…hmmmm?

Its coming soon…warm days and crazy summer nights!

Simple Moments…Simple Times…Simple Me……

Simple Moments…


Bring Me Joy…


Moments In Time…


Make Me Smile…


Simple Times…


                  Thankful Moments…


Happy Horses…


Happy Tucker Girl…


Our Sweet Never Dull Life…


Grabbing My Camera…


And Smiling…Yup…Thats Simple Me:)

Let ‘er Buck!

Let ‘er Buck 2016!


The Pendleton Round Up Rodeo is off and running!


Once again its time to Boot Scoot BOOGIE!


Its time to Rock…


And Roll!


Gotta love those pick up guys who get you off your Wild Ride:)


Yup…rodeo week is here…its that time of year when you can join in and see people you only see once a year…its a time to celebrate the end of harvest and its time for a rodeo that is rich in heritage…steeped in tradition and full of history…in this small town they call Pendleton.


Son Greg is following in the footsteps of those who went before him…


His dad, WB, and my dad, his grandfather, by working in the arena during the rodeo…


A big job to fill as our arena guys are in charge of fences, unexpected wrecks, livestock with lots of unforeseen issues…


They work hard to keep the livestock safe and everyone else safe as well as themselves. Photo above is of son Greg going airborne last year…he was banged up but ok!


Round Up is an amazing week…we all volunteer one way or another…we all grumble that it is too crowded and well grumble grumble grumble…we should leave town for the week…


Round Up becomes a part of who you are when you grow up here…its in your heart…its in your blood and each year you swear this is the last year but…it calls your heart back home and thats what it’s all about…along with amazing cowboys and cowgirls who get out there and live it by working hard and playing tough!


And thats it…I’ve lived here forever and like a moth drawn to the flame…I’m home!


Rock on Pendleton with the Rhythm of Round Up…and Let ‘er Buck!

Foggy Winter Days Descend On Juniper Canyon!

Foggy winter days descend on Juniper Canyon…ranging between gloomy gray days and more gloomy gray days!


Between freezing fog, icy roads…cold temps and snow…winter has arrived in the North Country!


This year I decided to fight the gloom instead of succumbing to the dreariness at hand. Thanksgiving week reminded me to make my yearly list of gratitude and blessings to share at dinner on turkey day.  The day after Thanksgiving, I thought why not keep my gratitude list going…remembering good stuff and good times while adding them to my “Christmas Cheer and Twinkle List.”


 “And I’m making my list to see who was naughty or nice..and I’m checking it twice!” Ok I’m snickering and I hope you are too. It’s more fun to remember the silly times, the good times…and the heart of your memories that only you can share…I love it! Makes me laugh and cry at the same time while keeping a heart full of country cowgirl gratitude.


I’m thankful for my life and the many blessings in my life…ten years on 2-9-2016…get your mammogram!


My first blessing of gratitude is my hubby….I love “Wild Bill” and appreciate him everyday. I am blessed to be his and to call him my soul mate, husband and best friend:) He always makes me smile:)


“I’m coming Melody…hang on”…as I am slip sliding down the hill to feed her breakfast. I love each of my horses forever, once they come to live with me, they are my forever horse…and I love my Melody. I am thankful for all my horses and having the privilege of riding horses all my life while growing up on a cattle ranch.

Dad and I Herding Cattle

I thought everyone had a cattle ranch as a kid…eventually, I came to realize how lucky and blessed I was to experience life on a remote cattle ranch. Without radio, television or any kind of civilization, ranch life taught me a lot of life skills of survival. You learn to think outside the box…when its you and often you alone…you learn how to problem solve as you have to figure it out.

Scanned Image 1

During the summer and fall months, I grabbed on to each day to ride for cows with my Dad…and almost everyday we did just that…25,000 mountainous acres and 800 head mama cows with babies and several head of bulls…kept us busy all summer and fall.


Each day that I look out our windows, I love our log fence…yup it’s a keeper…its great for capturing interesting views year round! I love the look and it fits this old ranch house!


I love my 60′ round corral with nice sand footing…and our barn cats give it a four paws up on their 60′ litter box!


And then there is our “Tucker Watch Girl”…she can be very serious! She is such a blessing to us as she is always waiting for us and follows us where ever we go!


Tucker is in the back of the Aussie pack and bashful…then Kiah as she is in front of Tucker…then Dasher who is in front of Kiah…and in the lead is Mr. Auzzie….all four of our dogs in this photo are rescue Aussies…we love them each individually and as a pack…they are amazing dogs, super smart and so loved:) By the way, Kiah is half-sister to Ellie, our sweet two year old girl!


And then, there are horse’s soft noses:) Nothing like their breath mingling with yours…and their smell is truly heavenly…sounds silly unless you know this horse owner fact too that, cleaning a horse stall does not smell bad at all! Horses are blessings to the heart and soul…and they give me peace with lots of happy smiles. When I get on my horse, WB says I get this little girl smile on my face of pure joy:)


And my Minnie Mouse…she was beautiful in heart and spirit…she knew when you were sad and she knew when it was time to celebrate…she was with me for almost 20 years. She crossed the rainbow bridge a bit over a year ago…it was incredibly hard. I am thankful for every year of her sweet life and for everyday that she was with me, she was my kitty girl and wherever I went she was with me. She was an incredible kitty girl…I was blessed beyond imagination:)


Back to my round corral…I seriously love it! I appreciate the hard work WB and our cowboy son Curt put into building it for me. I will do a post on that someday soon!


I am thankful for the blessing of Ellie…she makes me laugh every day and is full of love with lots of heart. She walked with me through sad times and grief when I lost Minnie…she was gentle and loving during our hard days. I’m sure Minnie asked God for a helper knowing how hard it would be for us when she crossed the rainbow bridge and Ellie Belle is my helper and so much more…she is my buddy, my joy and my heart:)


The gloomy gray days of fog can only be gloomy, if we choose them to be. Instead I smile, bundle up in my Carhart’s grab my camera and head out to find something to photograph. Whether I am inside the house or outside, I seek to do things that make my heart sing! Inside the house I often crank up my tunes and dance…wood floors make it super fun too:)


Smile…click click click…gotcha!


We are blessed to call this spec of earth our home…especially with shots like this:)


Being grateful is one of the best gifts we can give to ourselves…loving what we have instead of what we don’t have…if we can focus on the positive instead of the bad…the good more than the bad…we’ll find peace and smiles…


Wishing you all a warm week and weekend ahead…we have snow, freezing rain, winds are blowing and its cold! I need some tea or eggnog to warm up:)


It’s time to decorate the Christmas tree…Ho Ho Ho…HRCG Over And Out For Now…But Never For Long:)

The Views Of Life Off My Patio……

The views of life off my patio,


Are ever changing year round…and never boring!


“Hello Houston, we have a problem!!!”


Memorial Day weekend…the fields were green and beautiful!


Ten days later, we were cooking on a 108 degree afternoon…the wheat turned golden in a few days, looks like harvest on June 8th…and whoa!


Normally you would see the wheat turn slowly through the month of June…with harvest beginning sometime in July.


I have never seen the wheat head out in mid May or my flowers bloom in early March…nor did I have to mow the yard for the first time the beginning of March!


Crazy if you ask me…is it global warming or a season of drought?


In the local paper today, and I quote “Wheat yields are projected to take such a hit this summer that some Eastern Oregon growers may not even harvest their crop. Sparse rainfall and diminished snow pack have impacted producers all across the West, but an unseasonable heat wave in late May and early June hit developing wheat plants at exactly the wrong time. The heat wave came as wheat plants were in the stage of filing out their grain kernels. Foreign countries, Japan and Korea, that buy the soft white wheat from the Pacific Northwest will not want what we offer this year….as the protein levels will be too high for what they require to bake their breads, crackers and etc.”


It has been an odd year…from the crazy weather to the incredible love of my animals! I love my girl above…Melody is the melody of my heart:)


Oh my Minnie Girl…I miss you so…sometimes I think I see you out of the corner of my eye…and when I am sitting on the sofa, I’m sure you are on the back of the sofa, where you observed the world and me…I miss your sweetness and those big green eyes, always filled with mischievous love…this time of year was your favorite time.


How you loved the smells, the sounds of crickets and the sounds of birds tweeting to you all day long! Its ok sweet kitty girl, someday I will see you again and we will snuggle with lots of nose kisses, head bumps, tummy rubs and lots of purring….my sweet Min Mouse…my forever kitty girl.


And then there is Ellie, she loves me…she loves when I brush her each day from top to bottom, she loves the sense of being rubbed…I think it is due to a sense of being licked by her mama…and I am her mama…it brings us both comfort.


She is incredibly smart and intuitive…a very protective girl. She is a blessing from God and my Minnie, in her beautiful Australian fur.


Droughts, life lived and life lost, being loved and the pain that comes from loving too much…I would rather have the pain from loving too much as to me that is a life well lived. We love naturally and we live courageously….loving our loved ones and the life we have…is a very simple life.


HRCG over and out for now…but never for long:)


Have a simply wonderful week wherever you are!

Majestic Moments Filled … With Magical Merriment!

May You Have Majestic Moments…


Filled With…


Magical Merriment…


And The Glorious Beauty Of Christmas!


May You Celebrate The Blessings Of The Season With…

Minnie Woo Hoo Fun



A Savior Is Born From God Above…Rejoice And Again I Say Rejoice…Our King, Lord Jesus Lives!


May Your Hearts Be Deeply Touched


By The True Spirit Of Christmas!


Wishing You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year!


From Hot Rod Cowgirl And Wild Bill…


And All Our Critters!


Glory Glory Hallelujah King Jesus!

August Introspection…

August introspection is slowly settling into my heart once again as summer is winding down…soon it will be going going gone…summer this year disappeared too fast!


It reminds me how quickly the years fly by…how life passes on faster than we want…which means we either grab on or hang on.

Cutting Clinic MJ and Hobby

I will grab on and ride on!


August is my birthday month…a time of gratitude and a time of thanksgiving for the life that God has given me.


Each birthday brings me to a place of self examining…how can I improve myself…what do I need to change? We will never know it all and we will never be perfect people…I am not perfect at all, I am more of a klutz with a good heart! I love to learn new things to improve myself…and I love to write and to capture lifetime photos:)


August weather can be unpredictable…you never know what is brewing…such as today’s forecast for severe thunderstorms and lightning and…


I will be watching and grabbing images of the storm to share with you all:)


Usually August will bring summer’s last hurrah…a week of 100 degree days with very warm nights.


And you’ll find me clicking away as much as I can, trying to grab the remaining summer we have left. Late August brings many enchanted evenings outside…


Perfect for photos that bring much delight! And as I look up to the heavens, I stare in wonder at the magical colors displayed above me.


I love living here…never a dull moment…always something that brings life to your heart:)


I wanted to share this interesting photo with you as I have never seen anything like these clouds…you may need to click on the image to bring it up so you can see the ethereal but enchanting clouds…they look a bit transparent and yet they look like lace in the sky or voile…beautifully odd but very interesting!

Will You Trust Me Painting

And as I swing through life…I trust Him who holds the ropes to my life…I look up and laugh for He has me in His hands:)


Minnie Mouse (above), Ellie Belle and I wish you all a great week!


Life is good…Life is beautiful!


A year ago today our Ellie girl came to live with us…


She is so cute, so smart and a great protector!


And HRCG…Minnie Mouse…and Ellie Belle are over and out for now…but not for long:)

Summertime…Oh Sweet Summertime…..

Summertime…oh sweet summertime! How I love thee, let me count the ways.


My number one love of summer is being outside and enjoying the season. Every evening we are on the patio watching the colors change…drinking in the beautiful summer nights…breathing in the country air while making new memories to add to the days of old.


I love summertime and all that comes with it, hot temps, harvest, dust, lemonade, flowers, and always horses…mix it all together and you have a perfect summer!


Ms. Melody is enjoying the evening out on her pasture for a few hours…I love seeing our horses free and grazing the pasture in their natural state. My Dad had over 25 horses on the cattle ranch that I grew up on…they were working horses as by the week’s end we had each ridden several of them gathering cattle, traveling over 20 to 30 miles in mountainous country so we did not have to worry so much about grass…I worry about my horses today as they do not get the same use and exercise…with horses you always have to be thinking about their health and keeping them safe. We check them everyday making sure all is well…


There is so much natural beauty outside during summertime…but honestly, each season has its own beauty and I enjoy them all!


Beginning with spring, we often have puffy clouds drifting lazily overhead casting shadows on the landscape, while a sapphire blue sky peaks out…click goes my camera!


A summer blessing appeared this year as Dad’s trees are blooming once again:) A few years ago during a record drought, they were dying from lack of rain, while this year they bloomed, bringing back the wonderful sweet smell of the blossoms…they smell absolutely heavenly!


They have become a part of the ranch and have been a constant in my life since I was small…Dad planted them on top of the hill gradually bringing them down to the end of the arena where I practiced barrels and pole bending…and where my Dad would stand patiently timing me and saying “Come on go, hurry, go go go…yah you did it!”

Marcy and Red Doing Barrels

Dad used to team rope and calf rope when I was smaller and I would run the 12 and under barrel races at whatever small rodeo we went to. Mom was long suffering as she was our cheerleader and support! When Dad built the arena, he built it for roping, it was set up and ready to go for calf roping and team roping with friends. Dad’s trees have stood silently by through years of both good and bad times, having weathered life well…while passing the test of time this year, with a re-birthing of new life in their branches:)


 Ellie girl is loving summer too as this is her first grown up summer and she is ready for new adventures “Come on Mom, lets go”…she loves exploring on our walks as I look for new photos to capture…she looks for new places to dig holes and explore.


She gave me a perfect Ellie shot…she is so cute how she always has her head down and bottom up when exploring…I love my Ellie girl:)


The last few years we have had odd weather…it has been great for me to capture pictures as I love the ever changing weather for photo ops. In this shot, can you see the eyes or the Zorro mask?


Ominous storm clouds rolling into the canyon, drifting over us…


No make that scary clouds! Hang on Toto as we must be in Kansas!


After the storms, we usually have an awesome rainbow…I love trying to capture the colors as they are full of natural beauty. Our God is an amazing God…He gives us a beautiful world to live in filled with miraculous scenes if we look for them!


And then there is Minnie…our 19 year-old kitty who is exploring summertime green grass…she loves summer too and will sit in the window day and night sleeping against the screen so she can smell the smells, hear the sounds and feel the cool air. This summer I have taken her outside each evening that we are outside so that she can taste the grass, taste the air and breathe deeply all the smells that kitties love.


After 19 years as an inside kitty, she has earned the time to explore the yard…smell the smells and feel the grass under her paws:) I stay close to her and watch over her…once we go back into the house, she sleeps like a very happy and contented kitty girl:) She is precious and all heart, as she lost her vision and hearing a few months ago…yet she is determined to live her life as fully as she always has!


“Mom…what is Minnie doing outside and she’s eating the grass!”


“Mom, tell Tucker to mind her own business…this grass is darn good!”


SONY DSCAs the day slowly fades and sunshine turns into twilight, intense colors appear painting the sky above with a jaw dropping sundown as the


Surreal light of “magic time” transforms the sky and the landscape with an array of softer, yet vivid, ethereal colors, creating a feel good afterglow…and a peaceful night.


“Mom…seriously, where is the grass? “


To be continued…with a grass-eating kitty and a few horses who wonder where that grass is!


“Did she say grass?”


I’m back after taking some time off…I have missed you all! Thank you for your support and encouragement on this road called photography, writing the story and blogging!


Have A Happy Brand New Week!

You Know You Live In The Middle Of Nowhere When…Part Two

You know you live in the middle of nowhere when…begins part two of my memories of the isolated life we lived on large ranches in both Wyoming and Oregon…

Home View

Beautiful isn’t it? Hard to not look at the Wind Rivers all day…the incredible continental divide…with the amazing ever changing views. This was Wyoming and I loved it!


A typical scene of the Green River Drift…I rode it several times with the ranchers and cowboys either gathering cattle from close to Yellowstone in the fall months driving our cattle home on the drift or in the early spring months, when we gathered our cattle and moved them out for a few months to the high desert on the other side of Pinedale.

Home View 2

The photo above was taken in the early spring months right after we were hired to manage the ranch in Wyoming. The house to the far left became our home, but first they had to remodel our house and also the owners house which was the log home more in the center, it was a 100 year old log hone. All summer as we chased flood irrigation water, I watched the ever changing Winds, it was like watching a movie that had different scenes all day long:) The tallest peak in Wyoming is Gannet Peak at 13,809′ and I had the daily privilege of this view out my windows. We lived at 7500’…the mountains were incredible as they gave me a beautiful ever changing photo, that I hung on my heart…and yes it’s still there:) Wyoming was…mesmerizing!


Pinedale was an awesome little town…and here we go…part two.

It’s normal to pack a gun or a pistol as you go about your day as…

In Oregon, we had two kinds of rattlesnakes to contend with…down close to the hay fields you have the standard large rattler…often 6′ long ones lying around the hay fields and anywhere else…you had to always watch where you stepped. We also had to contend with timber rattlers in the higher elevation where we had cattle pasture. Timber rattlesnakes like to curl around the tree branches to blend in and then scare the heck out of you! The first time I saw one curled around a tree branch hanging I wanted to scream oh my GOSH!!! I think I did but not exactly those words!

In Wyoming, we had bears, wolves, bobcats and other critters to worry about…but thank goodness, no rattlesnakes or pack rats! Our elevation at 7500′ was too high for them:)


And currently where we live, life has changed in the last 15 years…we have a neighborhood watch and we are armed, ready to defend ourselves if need be. I grew up out here during winter months and we used to not lock our doors…now we have security systems on our house, shop and barn along with several high-end cameras. In today’s world, there are people who love to steal things to make meth…farm and ranch country gets hit lots due to the farm chemicals we use on our crops and weeds etc. They steal chemicals to make their meth. If you do not have chemicals, then they steal fuel and copper or steel. It is a crazy world we live in and we are on full alert…laser light and night vision scope…life has changed out here. Don’t bug us!

WY Desert 3

You know you live in the middle of nowhere when you begin to visit more with the cows and horses than you do with people as there are no people around…and as time goes on, you begin to hear the cows and horses talking back to you…sharing the moment and shooting the breeze!

The very first time I rode up in the higher elevations in Central Oregon, to gather cattle, I thought I would be safe from rattlesnakes…I mean, come on, everyone would think that at 5500′ elevation, rattlesnakes would not like it right? I had yet to hear a true rattlesnake rattle at me nor had I seen any rattlesnakes…WB told me they were around down low close to where we lived. Little did I know!


Once we finished with gathering cattle, Steve, one of our cowboys, was leading us off the mountain…he was in front of me and stopped to look at the incredible scenery we could see…


He turned to tell me something, and his face went white…he yelled at me to move NOW! Lucky for me that my mare, Lottie, knew nothing about snakes either so she did not spook…the rattlesnake was directly under her and was coiling…we moved fast enough to escape! Mike, the horse trainer for the ranch, had been behind me with a four-year old gelding…while I was moving quickly away from the snake, Mike had taken his horse over to the cattle pond to get a drink…it had lots of mud around the edge that you could get stuck in and with all the commotion around Lottie and I, Mike’s horse tried to spook, but was stuck in the mud and almost pitched Mike into the pond…it was a true Charlie Russel painting! Luckily no one was hurt and we all made it safely off the mountain! My eyes were as big as saucers from then on as I was on full alert everywhere I went…


“Hank the Cow Dog,” was about 10 months old in this photo…he is the 6 month puppy that rode out the massive flood on a piece of a wood and was washed up against the house in a corner…we were so happy when we found him!

In Wyoming, we could feel eyes watching us late at night through the curtains on the large living room windows…its -35 below so who would be standing out there watching you anyway…as you look, you scream, as pressed to the glass is 4 sets of eyes with huge heads and bodies attached to them…MOOSE!

Moose 1

Did you know that moose have two moods? Curious and MAD! You hurriedly pull the curtains back together….and the moose bumps into the window….you turn off the lights…and the moose bumps up against the window again with a devious moose grunt….you quietly scream again and run to your bedroom hiding under your bed…hoping they will go away…HA!


The next morning all four moose are curled up on our deck waiting for us! “Good morning Miss Moose…why are you kissing the hand rail on my porch? Miss Mouse gave me a look and grunt and I shut up…Miss Moose can do anything she wants! Sorry for the blur, but she would not hold still for my camera! I loved Wyoming…even the cold weather with curiously mad moose and every adventurous part!

WY Desert 4

 You can ride and gather cattle for miles without seeing another person or any sign of civilization…you almost feel like you are the only person left on earth. It is an amazing view to see…no power lines, no smog, no busy highways, no people…almost like unsettled land. This photo shows the Wind River Mountains or the Continental Divide, close to South Pass on the Oregon Trail. The objects you see on the hill are the water tanks…we turned the cattle out on the high desert during the late spring months and watered them via windmills…we had several to maintain.

WY. 1

Often the desert had quick squalls that would drop in fast with thunder and lightening…the sky would grow black in the middle of the day…but the storms left as quickly as they came. The high desert was vast and huge…when it was time to gather up 1000 head of cows on our 15,000 acre pasture, it took us one morning to do it. I could not believe how fast it went. Growing up on my folks cattle ranch, it took us a few months to gather 800 mother cows and calves on the summer range in the Blue Mountains. And even though you think the desert is flat, it is not as it has more small hills than you can see.

WY. Desert 5

I wondered what it looked like to the men and women who made it over South Pass? The wagon trains crossed the desert right through the acreage we ran cattle on…what did they think once they got over the divide and saw the vast desert…and the Wyoming Mountains ahead of them? Who may have lived here, was it a family or maybe a fur trapper?

You know the sounds of a cattle truck as it tops the hill that drops into the ranch in the early dawn light…


First the cab lights crest the hill and disappear as the they drop down the last hill only to pop out in time for the next cattle truck lights to top the hill…15 trucks in all…choreographed to drop into the ranch all in a row…like clock work!


You can hear the sounds in your head and in your heart…the sounds of aluminum truck gates opening, cattle hooves on metal in the loading shoot…you see the breath of both men, horses, cattle and dogs…as the cattle are quietly loaded like clockwork…like they all knew it was time to head for the mountains for the summer range.

cattle pot

As one truck is loaded you hear the rev of the semi as it pulls away from the loading dock and the next truck pulls in…you hear a few jokes as your brand inspector signs off on the cattle as you know him like family…and as the last truck leaves shifting gears gaining speed to climb that first hill…and it dips outta sight only to bob up one more time into the bright sunshine of daybreak…it tweaks your heart a bit…another winter is gone.


The trucks have 200 miles round trip to go so it will be a few hours before they return for more cows…800 head mother cows, along with calves, yearlings and etc. took around 25-30 trucks to haul…the day began in the early morning darkness and would end in the middle of the night or the early morning hours up on the mountain ranch.

Scanned Image 2

You know the sounds of cattle in the corrals settling down and in the meadow pastures close to you in a new place as the first new day begins for them on the summer range…you shiver as you climb out of your warm sleeping bag wearing your long underwear and shoving on your jeans…boot socks and wild rag as you head out to help feed and do whatever is needed to help…counting cows and calves, moving cattle or settling cows. Later that morning, you head back down to the winter ranch to close things up now that all the cattle had been shipped as well as horses and dogs too. As you crest the hill and see the ranch, it takes your breath away as it is now standing quietly still…the life of both man and animal that was there yesterday is now gone. You pull up to the loading chute and take a few minutes as…


Your mind plays back over the last few weeks of gathering and the finality that happens each June 1st…as time seems to stand still until cattle and man return in late fall.

Note: The description I used above is based on my memories of growing up on my folks cattle ranch in Oregon where the cattle truck sounds and memories began at an early age.

There is one grocery store in Pinedale to shop in and the prices are through the roof as the next closest grocery store is over 100 miles one way on two lane country roads, either South to Rock Springs or Northwest to Jackson Hole.


Note all the pick ups…yep cowboy country!


Once you go into the grocery store to shop, you note that there are LOTS of wildlife mounts looking at you as you shop down the aisles. In the frozen food aisle I looked at Fox, Bobcat or Mountain Lion. On other aisles we saw Mountain Goats, Bears, Antelope, Coyotes, while the bigger animals had a head mount, such as an Elk, Moose, Deer…Buffalo…and even fish! It was quite an experience as the store had all the food we needed except fresh fruit in the summers. It also had hunting and fishing supplies, guns, knifes etc. everything you can imagine under the sun…for the husband as you shopped.

As the day ends, you go to sleep happy and content…your body feels good as it got worked…


And you accomplished good things in your life on a remote cattle ranch…the incredible isolation and the hard work at hand, can be overwhelming to some, but for me it was always a great joy…one that I grew up in and one that I will never forget. I knew I lived out in the middle of nowhere…the boondocks…the hinterlands…and I loved every part of it!


It is my life and who I am…I’m thankful I have stories yet to tell…filled with memories of a cowgirl’s life lived in the middle of nowhere…I would not trade it for anything different!


Have a great evening and a fun week and weekend!

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