Morning Chores On The Juniper T With Fresh Snow And Artic Cold!

Last Sunday, on a typical Juniper Canyon morning the end of  December, we had fresh snow, loverly foggy views and crispy, cold, frigid temps!


I was out and about doing the usual feeding chores for our dogs, cats and horse’s morning breakfast buffet, while loving on each one of them:) It’s really not a chore, more of a love fest for all my animal kids:)


As I went out the garage door first, feeding our doggies was top on my list….Ms. Kiah got to eat her breakfast in the garage as she has so much energy she has no fat so she needs lots of calories to keep her weight on. Ms. Tuck and Mr. Dasher Masher both have to watch their figures…so they eat outside.


Ok guys I’m a coming…hang tight…love you Ms. Mel and Mr. Buck:)


But first I have to go through the hubbies massive shop and into the century old barn that I love…


Then upstairs to check on Pat and Jack, our monster orange Lion Cats….and to get Annie’s hay for her breakfast…


“Did someone say hay?”


Annie’s horse condo…auto water set up….and hay feeder….cushy rubber mats….nice lights to see and safe…I need more sawdust on the next trip to town….she likes her stall and so does Pat the cat sitting behind the trough…and often Melody stays in the stall across from Annie. You can’t see it but we have a hay chute that feeds her hay from upstairs into her feeder….nice and clean.


My winter round corral….resting and waiting.


Annie is waiting too:)


And, I’m sure she can hardly wait!


Coming back through “Wild Bill’s” shop…this is one of our latest projects…very cool huh? Every time I see this pick up I hear “ZZ Top” playing “Sharp Dressed Man.”


Tuck is waiting patiently for me to come out of the shop…


So is Ms. Melody. She really likes her food…she enjoys every morsel:)


And Buckaroo Buck looks rather dapper this morning…I’m hurrying guys…trying to not fall on my hind end as it is super slippery today!


“Ahhhhh…finally…munch munch munch…I love my yummy nummies”. “Life is good again!”  “Wait, Mom, put that camera down…don’t take my picture when I am eating….geez…Buck will think I am being a piggy or something!!!”


It is dang cold and dang foggy too…the fog can get on your nerves if it hangs for several days and every once in a while that happens as the fog drifts up Juniper Canyon from The Columbia River which is about 20 miles or less from us.


“Wild Bill I hope you have the coffee on and ready….Good Morning Sunshine:)”


Last Sunday in a freak accident, we lost our beloved Kiah. She ran to greet me when I was across the road yet feeding horses and she did not see the slow-moving vehicle in the fog. I will share more of her wonderful photos and life in a post soon…right now I have too many tears. She was so gallant, so brave and so loved.


“I miss you Ms. Kiah…I will carry you forever in my heart. I will like you forever and love you for always. God Bless You My Kiah…My Yippee Ki Yi Yay.”

60 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. tbnranch
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 09:41:14

    Oh no! All those wonderful pictures that warmed my heart and then the tragic news of your precious dog Kiah. I’m so sorry.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 11, 2013 @ 17:13:51

      Thank you Amy for your heartfelt thoughts….it was a tough day and both WB and I miss Kiah so much….she was the young one but the two older dogs miss her lots as Kiah was so full of fun and life that she made their lives interesting too…she always would keep tabs on both WB and I….I would be doing something at my kitchen sink and all of a sudden her cute little face would show up and she would give me her funny smile to be sure I was ok….then she would bounce back to the shop or the barn to check on WB to be sure he was ok….and would tease both older dogs a bit too…we all loved her so much. It was hard for me to be right there when it all happened but I was glad that I was with her the whole time as I just loved on her and talked to her praying that she would be ok….she did not have a mark on her but the x-ray showed her shattered pelvis and right hip…she was so brave and tough….I miss her and look for her thinking I will see her bouncing around with her happy look in the yard or over visiting the horses…and she was good to not chase them as she knew that was naughty…she loved running full blast up the canyon hill behind the house just for the heck of it…and she was so smart…she knew what we thought and she sensed things that other dogs wouldn’t…truly she was such a blessing. Wishing you a good weekend and sending hugs.



  2. emjayandthem
    Jan 11, 2013 @ 08:10:29

    I was so happy to be making my way around the barnyard with you until I read the news of Ms. Kiah.

    What a beautiful, sweet, and expressive face she had. It hurts to lose them, oh do I know how it hurts.
    Hugs to you



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 11, 2013 @ 16:48:43

      It hurts so much MJ and I know you know…we loved Kiah so very very much…I miss her so and still find myself looking for her and looking for her sweet cute face….she truly was one of a kind and one of those rare dogs that make a deep connection to your heart from the very beginning. Kiah was so sweet, playful, protective and full of life, always keeping tabs on WB and me. When I heard her cry out that foggy morning…my heart broke. I hoped that it would be something the vet could repair…it was hard to be there but I was so glad that I was with her as she kept her eyes on me and WB for support and love…and we gave lots with my hand tenderly on her until she slipped into God’s hands. The night after we buried her here at home I noticed just as it was beginning to get dark that there was sort of a odd glow of color outside on the hills for this time of year. I grabbed my camera and headed out and shot some landscapes and then I looked up above my head towards heaven and the sky was incredible…layers upon ethereal layers of clouds that are unusual for this area and filled with golden colors of light with a burnt ember colors too. I felt that Kiah was saying “See Mom, Dad, I am ok and playing in heaven, safe and healthy…and someday I will be greeting you…for you Mom as I know you are taking pictures and I am sending you lots of loves from above:)” It was beautiful and I do miss her but I know she is safe and we will see her again someday too. Wishing you warm hugs and warm thoughts…love you MJ:)



      • emjayandthem
        Jan 12, 2013 @ 07:53:23

        You can’t know how much your sharing that moment with me helped ME, you see we are watching old dog fail and know that the time is coming soon when we will have to hold his paw and stroke his fur and let him go. It hurts just to write these words. I am so sorry for your loss but know that she definitely gave you signs that she is OK and whole in Heaven. xo MJ


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 13, 2013 @ 21:02:47

        My heart goes out to you MJ…it is so hard and we love our dear furry family members so much as they become true family and are such a huge part of our life. They are our comfort when we need support and when we cry they know and will come and snuggle up to us or lick our cheek or hand and when we need a laugh I don’t know how they know but they do and always do something to make us laugh. It is so hard to loose them and Frankie has been part of your family a long time and I wish I had some profound words to say to help…I know even if I did it would not ease the pain but know that for sure you will see Frankie again…I know you will as God made our animals first as He loves them too and He loves us too so that means when we get to heaven they will be meeting us too:) One thing my Mom told me was that she saw her dog Rhett before she passed away…she saw Jesus too and my Dad but she saw one of her loved dogs. Also a fellow blogger on wordpress, Jen at gave me a scripture that I had not noticed before in Ps:36:6
        Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
        Your judgements are like the great deep
        You save humans and animals alike OLord

        I loved reading this…go to her current blog post and she shares more about the dogs she has lost and how God gave her this scripture and I do believe with her that we will see all our animals in heaven:) Sending you big hugs and prayers MJ


  3. The View Out Here
    Jan 08, 2013 @ 19:50:50

    Oh HRC, I can’t being to tell you how sorry I am about Kiah.
    I’ve got a little Aust. Shep. Kelpie cross that I carry around in my heart. She died way too soon at the age of only five. I’ve lost good smart animals before and after her but she was by far the hardest one to get over. It’s been fourteen years and I still miss her company, willingness to please *and* her intelligence. (Oh the incredible stuff I taught that dog to do and at such an early age. So dang smart as those breeds generally are). I consider myself privileged and blessed to have been a part of that stock-dog bond.
    My thoughts are with you as you move through this tough time. It hurts I know. I pray it gets some easier for you both with each passing day.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 08, 2013 @ 20:13:16

      Thank you so much for sharing your story and the pain of your loss with your Aussie/Kelpie cross. When you have that connected very intelligent bond it is very emotional. Kiah was so intelligent and could read your thoughts and you could read hers….we could look at each other and both of us smile and we got it. She was so very protective and ferocious and her heart was so tender and good. I would give anything to go back to that foggy Sunday morning….WB knew she had eaten and was anxious to get out of the garage to go find me…I know part of the grief is how you go over and over how you could have done it different…it is hard. Our ground was frozen here the last week and today it had thawed enough that our vet who is also a close personal friend had kept her at the clinic until we could bury her….today we brought her home and now she is buried next to my Maggie girl who was also an amazing red and blue heeler. Kiah was only 2 this last September….so very young and full of life….tonight I will share in a few days that I am sure the incredible skies my camera saw were “Kiah Sent Skies” from “Heaven” so that I would know she is ok…14 years is a long time but I understand as when you have a connection like we both did with an animal, dog, kitty, horse or whatever, it is like a human connection and very spiritual….I am blessed like you were with having Ms. Kiah…thank you for sharing with me, it means alot to me D:) Hugs and Prayers for You and Your Family….



  4. patinaandcompany
    Jan 08, 2013 @ 09:05:30

    That looks like one really big cat! They have so much character . . . . must be nice to be so surrounded by the easy love of animals.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 08, 2013 @ 18:05:16

      There are two of them and they are brothers…this year they will be 10 years old….the Bob Tailed one we call Jack or Bob and the one with the tail is Pat…a couple who lives in town gave us the two of them and their names are Pat and Jack..the cats were about 5 months old when we got them and WB made all kinds of kitty doors that only they could access and I am thankful he did as we have never had outside kitties last as long as Pat and Jack due to coyotes…they live in the barn with the horse water troughs, the stacks of hay and the security….of course they do go out and hunt some during the day time but they are both very sweet and as you mentioned HUGE!!! We love them both lots…WB also made a cover for the top of the stairs so to access the upstairs you have to also unlatch the cover and push it they are pretty safe. And their fur is so soft and fluffy…and talk about muscles!



      • patinaandcompany
        Jan 08, 2013 @ 19:03:38

        I need kitty doors like that too . . . we have coyote problems here as well and my babies love to go out and catch things. I worry. Yours have beautiful fur!


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 08, 2013 @ 20:00:34

        Can you get them where you live as they truly work well….we have them in each room in the barn as well as the tack room etc. and then of course all the outside doors and they are small, just big enough for the boys to squeeze their fluffy furry bodies through…they are both so sweet and I love their fur as the color is pretty and it is so soft….but under the soft fur is military kitty muscle….seriously they must work out:) They are buffed under that fluff:)


      • patinaandcompany
        Jan 09, 2013 @ 06:18:38

        Ha, they definitely work out, kitties. Yes, we can get the cat doors here; just need somebody to install them . . . .


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 09, 2013 @ 16:25:33

        I will send prayers for you that someone will:) I know installing them into the thick barn walls was not easy etc. so you would need some help…they are so nice once they are done as you know your kitties are safe and have their own little house….well the barn is like a mansion for them:) And they can keep nice and warm in their hay house too. The doors would be great on a garage too and any building where they can find warmth and safety. Hugs:)


  5. godspoetbychoice
    Jan 07, 2013 @ 23:22:09

    I also believe that when we go to heaven we will see our faithful 4 legged friends and I wanted to share this story with you please check my blog as I am writing about this subject this week take care Jen



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 08, 2013 @ 17:57:39

      Thank you Jen and I will definitely check out your post:) I agree completely as God made the animals and took great joy doing so and every bird that falls He grieves for them….and He loves to give us the desires of our hearts so haven would not be complete without all our beloved animals:) Tonight we had a beautiful sky and I shot some pictures to share….incredible color and light and no photoshop etc. I am calling the images “Kiah’s Sky” as I believe she was letting us know that she is safe and it is incredible:)



      • godspoetbychoice
        Jan 09, 2013 @ 23:32:12

        Hi just thought I would share a quote from the bible that might provide some comfort for you over the coming days Psalm 36 vs 6
        Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
        Your judgements are like the great deep
        You save humans and animals alike OLord
        hope this helps take care and Godbless – Jen


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 10, 2013 @ 08:06:05

        🙂 I love this….thank you much for sharing this verse and thank you Lord:)


  6. godspoetbychoice
    Jan 07, 2013 @ 01:05:57

    I was so sorry to hear about your dog you could really tell how special she was to you. I so enjoyed reading about her and the pictures you posted. I have six dogs on my farm and each one is like family and I am sure it is the same with you. I have no magic words to ease your pain but please know you are in my thoughts and my prayers take care



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 07, 2013 @ 13:14:07

      Thank you for your kind heart felt words…I love all of our animals so much and they truly are family to us…they each have their own personalities and Kiah was so sweet and cute…she did not get in trouble very often but if she did you could not be upset with her as she had such a cute way of looking at you when she knew she had been naughty…she would squint her eyes and smile at you like she was saying “I’m sorry Mom I know I was naughty but look at how cute I am and see the remorse in my cute eyes…I loves you too.” Of course I wold melt and give her a big hug while trying to shake my finger at her to not do whatever it was anymore.

      All our various furry family members are super intelligent but Kiah was brilliant how she could read our thoughts before we often got them gathered if that makes sense? I miss her so much. She was always either with me or my hubby…we both loved her and I know my hubby’s heart is broken for her too. I will be posting a post this week on her and more pictures of her playing with Fanny Annie (my three year old filly)…they really did play with each other. I know when I get to heaven someday that Kiah will be right in the middle of all my family greeters…I know my parents are loving on her right now. God Bless and Hugs to you.



  7. Subhan Zein
    Jan 06, 2013 @ 01:33:05

    Happy New Year to you, Marcella. May 2013 bring you more love, happiness, and success. And thank you for keep following my blog. I hope my blog posts do not disappoint. Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein



  8. Marcella Rousseau
    Jan 04, 2013 @ 10:43:02

    Hi Marcy, I am so sorry to hear about Ms Kiah. I loved her colors and her expressive face. I will miss her too. I’ll look forward to the upcoming post about her. She was a beauty. I love that photo of her with her chin on the rail. It’s perfect. Hang in there girl.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 04, 2013 @ 15:55:07

      Thank you much Marcy, she was one of a kind…I miss her every day and look for her sweet smile…mostly her big heart that was always filled with love for us. Truly her expressions were honest and she really felt the way she looked…she was so very human and could connect with you on a deeper basis…she knew what you were thinking and you knew what she was thinking:) I loved her colors too and her eyes:) Hugs to you:)



  9. Heather @ SugarDish(Me)
    Jan 04, 2013 @ 05:49:54

    I am so heartbroken for you! So sorry about Kiah my friend.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 04, 2013 @ 12:49:34

      Big hugs to you for thinking of me. I can not imagine living without animals as they are so very intelligent and their love is unconditional…it is so very hard to loose them. Kiah was so much a part of us…she was incredibly human in how she felt and related her thoughts. And so cute when I took her pictures as I swear she would pose for me:) Wishing you a perfect afternoon and peaceful evening:)



  10. jesusknowsmyname
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 17:14:48

    Sorry about you losing your dog. I know you are very sad.



  11. bentehaarstad
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 15:05:10

    What lovely “chores” you have. I must be so wonderful to be there, with all of them, even in arctic cold. Nice post. And Happy new Year, Cowgirl!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 20:07:53

      Thank you:) I do love my chores…it brings a warm blessing to my heart to take food to my horses each day knowing it blesses them and warms them….and taking the dogs with me is always fun too as they love to explore and see what I am up to…Kiah just did not see through the fog as her focus was me. I will miss her forever!

      When you do have the right clothes the arctic cold is not bad at all. When we lived in Wyoming….-30 to 40 wind chill at night was normal…usually when it got up to zero in the daytime everyone would take off their layers of warm clothes and Carharts as they were hot…and zero was just right to bask in the sun! I am sure in Norway it truly is Arctic cold!!! Do you have lots of humidity? The coldest I ever felt was after we moved back from Wyoming. Here where we live it is pretty dry with little humidity…but we traveled 200 miles West of us to a town called Eugene Oregon for a football game…it was about 38-40 degrees and it was a nighttime game so it was about 8:30 at night and all of a sudden the fog rolled in with heavy humidity…we had to leave the game as both WB and I were colder than any of the days and nights in Wyoming as Wyoming had the extreme cold – zero weather but without humidity it was a dry cold so it was very different.



  12. john
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 14:48:59

    So sorry to hear of the loss of Kiah be well. John



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 19:56:43

      Thank you much John:) It is so hard to lose our animals and each one of them is special in their own way…Kiah specialized in being sweet and cute…she had such a beautiful heart and WB and I both miss her as do Tuck and Dash.



  13. Dianna
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 11:13:52

    Oh, I am so, so sorry about your Kiah. Sending you a hug – it hurts so badly to lose one of our furbabies.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 19:54:58

      Thank you Dianna….it hurts alot…losing Kiah was very hard. She had such a beautiful heart and spirit much like Minnie Mouse…where she was connected to both WB and I in heart and thought. I love all my furbabies as they truly are my kids and family….I want to cuddle each one of them….the hardest ones to cuddle are my horses but I have found ways to do that in that they feel my heart and love for them. I will miss Kiah forever but I do know someday I will see her again and right now she is alive and well….playing as usual and being extremely cute as she always is:)



  14. singleworkingmomswm
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 10:28:02

    I just love reading the chronicles of a day in your life, HRCG! Really! It’s a life that I hope to get to live some day, too, perhaps in my retirement, but that will suit me just fine. The tranquility of your ranch transcends these Internet waves, and I find myself lost in the beauty and peace instantly. I’m so sorry to hear about Kiah. Losing a pet like that is so hard. We lost a dog to a freak accident, as well, a couple of years ago…my sister was keeping him for us because we didn’t have a large enough yard to house him once we moved, and by accident my brother-in-law backed over him in his truck one morning. Never saw him. However, I keep Barky’s picture in a frame in my guest bedroom, honoring his funny little life (he was one crazy pup), as I keep pictures of all of my past furry friends around the house to see. We love them so! Thank you so much for sharing your life here…many blessings for 2013! XOXO-SWM



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 19:47:33

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words and heart…I do believe that God will give you the desires of your heart so that means someday you will live a life like mine with your own quiet place of peace:) Losing our pets and animals is one of the hardest things….we love them so much and they become family to us. It breaks my heart when they get hurt or when they lose their lives…I love and care about them so very much…and I am blessed that they love me back:) Kiah was such a gentle sweet heart.

      God Bless and God Hugs:) I am praying for that God place for you and for your family and of course your animals:) Hugs:)



  15. Tricia Booker Photography
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 08:13:44

    So sorry to hear of the loss of your Kiah. They are never with us long enough but, thankfully, always live on in our hearts.



  16. catfromhell
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 08:11:42

    Busy mornings with so many glorious animals!
    Me is sorry to reads about Ms Kiah Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.
    Kisses and comforting purrs



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 19:21:22

      Oh Nellie that is beautiful:) Wonderful words and I know you are right:) I know Ms. Kiah is with God and right now she is playing in beautiful green grass and shining her love back down to us with God’s beautiful stars….thank you so much with hugs and sweet purrs back to you sweet Nellie:)



  17. campfireshadows
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 07:00:56

    I just thought about something. If you’re in OR, near burns, then you set near my cousins cattle and dude ranch over in the Steens mountains. It’s about 35 or so miles s/se of Burns. I’m heading that way next year for a family reunion at his place.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 19:17:28

      No we are a long ways from Burns but my hubby grew up in Vale, Oregon…..worked for the BLM in high school and college up at Jordan Valley….kind of funny but my Mom grew up in Ontario, Oregon and her Dad worked on the Pete French Ranch and met my Grandma in Burns as she was teaching school in 1898 or so I am guessing, as they married in 1900. I have ridden the country around Burns and close to the foothills of the Steens which are incredible with the BLM crew that are friends of my hubbies way back….we gathered cattle out there and it was amazing how much ground you could travel in a day moving cattle than how I grew up in the Blue Mountains gathering cattle on my Dad’s ranch where it took days to gather the same amount of cattle on the same acreage. If I remember right we trailered our horses from Jordan Valley to outside of Rome and then rode out in the desert from there and I kept looking at the Steens as they rose right out of the desert floor. My hubby used to help gather cattle and rope with his Dad at the Crowley Ranch and took me out there to see it…what an awesome ranch. There were lots of big ranches out there, where some people do not like the desert or the isolation, I like it as does my hubby. All the area around Burns, Jordan Valley and the Vale area is vast, historic, beautiful, has a mind of its own country….love that area:) I bet my hubby knows your cousin and the ranch too….what is his name and the name of the ranch? Be sure to take your camera when you go visit and share some pictures with us all:)



      • campfireshadows
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 05:10:46

        My cousin is Tim O’Crowley. Here’s his web site. If you click on “Your crew” you’ll see Tim, his wife and others that work on the ranch. There are some beautiful photos on the site of the ranch. His wife Susan comes from a long cowboy family. Her Dad reminds me of my Gramps. Rancher, Mountain Man/trapper, homesteader. Both families go way back to the beginning. Tim is a great fella and has a wonderful family, if ever you get a chance, say hello to them.


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 15:58:57

        Your family sounds like the people I grew up around….the true American cowboys and their families:) I will ask WB tonight if he knows the ranch and your cousin. I loved that area as it is beautiful and the every changing light on the land scape is incredible….be sure to take your camera when you go visit and then share some of your images with us:)


      • campfireshadows
        Jan 05, 2013 @ 04:30:09

        With out a doubt!


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 05, 2013 @ 21:23:56



      • campfireshadows
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 05:12:07

        Whoops, forgot the web site!


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Jan 04, 2013 @ 16:01:52

        🙂 I’m glad that I am not the only one who forgets stuff:) I do it all the time and it is so annoying at times! The ranch looks incredible and they offer a great set up for guests…it would be fun to meet the guests as I am sure they come from all walks of life. I worked down at the Pendleton round Up Hall Of Fame for a year and I loved meeting people that were learning the history of the Round Up….what a great life they have!Thank you for sharing:)


  18. campfireshadows
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 06:49:23

    I love the gas pumps! It reminds me of the gas station in town (Hazelton, Idaho) as a kid. It eventually got modernized when it got an electric pump with a light on top. I remember being mesmerized watching the spinning ball in it’s glass cage proving the gas was being pumped. I guess the old one was more trustworthy. You cranked the pump, filling the big glass top with the desired amount of gallons of gas and then gravity emptied it into your tank. My Dad didn’t trust the electric pump for accuracy! I love your Ranch pics. Where abouts is it?



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 18:58:26

      Thank you:) My hubby restored the gas pumps and of course I was delighted with the red horses as it was always my favorite growing up:) Anything that had a horse was cool:) We are located 20 miles North of Pendleton, Oregon…about 50 miles from Walla Walla, Washington.



  19. bobmielke
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 05:56:39

    I truly love your posts and photos. We’re so much like neighbors that I watch the weather forecast for your part of Oregon. I actually envy your Winter weather that brings you real snow. I’ve only seen a few flakes thus far this year in the Portland valley. We’re surrounded by mountains & passes that are getting dumped on so we seem rather isolated in our little world. Sorry to hear about your loss. I found myself tearing up just at the mention of it. Take care. – Bob



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 18:55:44

      Thank you Bob… is so very hard to loose our animal angels…they truly are family. I keep forgetting just for a second and look for her as she often would be peering in the window at me making sure she knew where I was…and I know what you mean about the snow…..some years I want it so bad and then all of a sudden I get it bad and then I am wishing it would go away:) I do love all my seasons and it always makes me sad when we do not get any snow. When I was younger we used to get lots more and often would be snowed in which was great as I did not have to go to school then:)



  20. onespoiledcat
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 03:46:33

    I’m so sorry for your loss Marcey…’s ever so hard especially at a holiday to lose someone we love. What a beautiful girl she was. Very sad and tragic….It really looks cold at the Juniper Ranch but your love will keep all occupants – indoors and out – nice and warm. Of that I am sure………

    Hugs and Happy New Year,
    Pam and Sam



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 16:05:26

      Thank you Pam and Sam:) I miss Kiah so much…she was truly such a part of our hearts and even Minnie tolerated her…well to a point…she had a kind heart and loving spirit and yet she was very protective. She had such a cute smile and unless you knew her you thought she was snarling at you…and if you were a stranger she prob was but to us she smiled her funny smile….and when she got in trouble for something which did not happen often….she would squint her eyes at you and look so very very very cute, there was no way that you could be mad at her:) She had a typical Aussie eye that was sort of blue and white and the other one was brown unless she somehow could make it white when she was begging for forgiveness…she loved us all very much and she lived her life to protect us, play with us and loved to at times tease and torment Tucker in a fun way of course. Hugs and warm thoughts back to you and loves for Sammy:)



  21. mythreemoggies
    Jan 03, 2013 @ 00:43:11

    We just have lots of rain in the UK at the moment :-(. Love the pictures x



  22. Lost Creek Publishing
    Jan 02, 2013 @ 22:11:53

    My condolences on the loss of Ms. Kiah.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jan 03, 2013 @ 15:56:20

      Thank you much….Kiah was hard to describe as she was so human in her connection to you…the breeder told me that her personality and her mind is in her lineage and that is a large part of it but truly in my heart I feel she was God’s gift to WB and I and was an incredible friend to have…..we loved her very much and I miss her smiles and funny antics that she played with Tucker and Dasher.



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