Ocean Daze…Makes HRCG Plaze!

Ocean Daze Makes HRCG Plaze…The Ocean Is Heaven To Me!


We recently spent ten days on the Oregon Coast….our condo over looked the Pacific Ocean…literally! This was my view off the deck, the windows in the living area and off the deck of our bedroom…magical  huh?


The condos are built on rock that rumbles and roars when the waves crash over it. I shot this photo from our deck looking out…you can see the other condo units that stretch across the rocks…


The first day of our stay, we had huge waves rolling in that were incredible to watch as they hit the rocks, putting on a big show!


And here comes loads of ocean spray looking for windows and you if you are outside!


The Oregon Coast is one of my most favorite places to go to….I love the rugged coast line and the awesome beauty of the Pacific Ocean. The sound of the waves crashing…the sunsets…the storms…the incredible roar of high tide and the out of control power of it all!


I love walking on the beach, barefooted of course, as there is something incredibly cool when you have sand between your toes:) Mom and I escaped to the ocean and the beach each summer the end of August…our excuse was school shopping.


Dad rarely took time away from the cattle ranch…in all my years growing up, we never took a family vacation together as he felt he had to stay and keep an eye on the cows. We wished he would have come with us but the beach was not his thing. In later years he told me that he wished he had gone with us and done more with both Mom and I…he told me to not make the same mistake and to enjoy life with WB as time is short!

Dad and I Herding Cattle

I love you Dad and we did have a good life together on our horses…you taught me so much and I am eternally grateful forever…

DSC01256Off we’d go…shopping a few days in Portland and then we hit the beach…it was a total ahhhh as we both loved the ocean…it was a peaceful respite for us from the cattle ranch and life as we knew it…it was cowgirl heaven:)


Full of amazing peace that washes over you with each wave…as the cares of the world and the tension in your shoulders fades away…and the silence you feel in your spirit, brings a great big smile to your face with a “Yippee Ki-Yay!”  “Yippee Yappee Yahooey…Life Is GOOD!”


Once WB and I arrived at our condo, (and WB could drag me away from the “oh wow did you see that wave….wait…no, oh that one was huge…where is my camera….I have to grab some pictures…whoa, did you see that one…?”) we rearranged our chairs to look out on the ocean…cool view huh?


We scooted our chairs up to the windows that over look the water… you felt like you were floating on the ocean! Our perch for over a week…wrap around (windows on the left side too) views of the water…I found myself stopping in my tracks each day as the view was so beautiful…we loved it:)


Wild at heart and yet so very peaceful to my soul…


There are two places on earth that I stand in absolute awe of God…the Rockie Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.


Both places have uncontrollable power that is God…His glorious presence radiates as I often hear Him say “My child, is anything in your life to difficult for Me?”


His power brings the peace that passes understanding!


I hope you enjoyed the views!


Ya never know I may show up and say “Smile, you’re on HRCG’S Camera or Spotting Scope…


I would rather you be on my camera!”


Have a “Blessed” weekend wherever you are! And remember to live life to the fullest as time passes too fast!


Mom finally got Dad to go to the beach on their 40th Anniversary in 1979! They had fun…notice Dad had his cowboy boots on and Mom was barefoot…yep runs in the family:)


Enjoy each day and be sure your loved ones know that you love them!

50 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 25, 2015 @ 14:23:55

    LOL is right HRCG!! he getss his cute little nose out of joint when I take the toys out to take a shower. So now I put a towel down after I am finished to absorb extra water so the Purrince can go back in & play!!! Too funny….
    He keeps me laughing & in on my toes…
    Thank you for the prayers. It has been a rough 2 months with extreme cold temps & lessened mobility but I cowgirl on…no keeping me down!!!!
    (((hugs))) right back at you!!!
    Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 24, 2015 @ 12:50:47

    ROFWL>>>>>oh Kalamazoo sounds like he was ALOT like Siddhartha Henry…who has taken to playing toys in the BATHTUB!! Yes you read THAT right!
    What a crazy cat!
    I also caught him lying in his new bed & got a photo to prove it. He shot out of there like he was on fire tho’. For some reason he feels he has to keep this a secret, hahahah!!!
    I can just imagine Zippy with a frog head on….too too funny my friend!!!! 🙂
    (((HUGS))) Sherri-Ellen

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 24, 2015 @ 21:03:18

      The bathtub!!!! OMG and LOL…he is a classic funny boy and I know he will keep you laughing a long time and he will make good memories for you and him:) Such a sweet little man kitty:) I love him lots and hold him in prayer for healing and for you too…I pray God will heal your body and bless you with freedom to love and live and not worry about health. You are such a goer:) Sending prayers and hugs….and don’t ya love the silly antics and the laughter…I loved that part the more:)

      Liked by 1 person


  3. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 23, 2015 @ 16:49:29

    Look at my spelling mistakes!! Good grief! I was NOT drinking, I swear!
    No wonder you think I am funny….I almost fainted when I saw all the mistakes. I was typing uber fast because Siddhartha Henry was about to leap onto the laptop!!! HAHAHAHA!! Oh-oh here he comes again….
    Bye for now Sherri-Ellen 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 23, 2015 @ 17:55:20

      LOL and it’s ok….Siddhartha Henry (love the name Henry) sounds so manically cute….I do remember Minnie and Kalamazoo being that way too:) Zippy or Kalamazoo got rolled up in a hide-a-bad here once and of course was ok….and then he got under this green frog toy box lid in the basement back when it was all concrete and easy to slide around on…anyway, WB’s grandmother was here and we were watching TV down in the basement and all of a sudden this green frog head goes zipping across the floor with you know who under it! Zippy was about 3-4 months old then….WB’s grandmother about wet her pants she laughed so hard…such a character much like Siddhartha:) You are blessed:)

      Liked by 1 person


  4. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 23, 2015 @ 11:16:16

    It is definitely all relavent due to elevation & conditioning.
    I can hardly wiat for it to go back to 42 F> that will be warm..only 10 degrees over freezing always feels great in March or April…..ususally april or May here, lol.
    Love Sherri-Ellen

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 22, 2015 @ 07:31:16

    ROFWL>>>HRCG it is the same here. It goess up to 38 F & everyone walks around in their T-Shirts….which is why so many get sick…
    I have learned it is best to wear a top & sweater at least. I doubt we are going to be earing tee’s & shorts anytime soon tho…still under this cold air mass….
    Oh well at least the sun is sort of shining today!
    Love from us to you ❤ ❤
    Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 22, 2015 @ 13:36:08

      People back here thought we were weird to feel hot when it hit zero…our elevation was high so that also affected the temps…like in summer when it was 75 or 80 degrees in WY. it felt like 110 plus…it was all elevation….we were at 7500′.



  6. tchistorygal
    Feb 17, 2015 @ 23:17:27

    I love this post, Marcy. When we first moved to Portland from IN, we drove to Seaside and Cannon Beach as often as we could. The water never felt cold because I grew up in IN, played in snow and swam in a pool that was heated to 65 degrees. When we moved south to Cottage Grove, we still lived about 3 hours from the beach at Florence. Now, in CA we live about 3 hours from the beach at Avila, Morro Bay, and Pismo. I don’t know how I ever lived without it within driving distance. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 18, 2015 @ 08:31:45

      Thank you! I love love love the ocean…I can sit and watch it all day for weeks and never be bored…there is something about the power of the waves and the awesomeness! So peaceful to my soul…nothing better than to go to sleep with the sound of the ocean! It takes us about 5 hours depending on traffic to get to Lincoln City…we usually stay in Depoe Bay.

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 17, 2015 @ 14:32:47

    I agree HRCG! UGH all the way!!!!!!!! It is still bitterly cold here & lightly snowing….
    I have tried to find the plug on the snow machine but so far no luck, rofwl 🙂
    Those wyoming stomrs sound alot like ours. We have cold from the FAR NORTH & then storms up from the central States…when the combine it is chaos!
    With our windchills when the Sun shines it still feels like H*LL had frozen over, hahaha!!!
    Thankfully it is warm indoors so no worries there.
    Wishing you a wonderful week….hopefully wamer than our here 😉
    (((HUGS))) Sherri-Ellen & **head bumpss** Siddhartha Henry xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 17, 2015 @ 17:59:41

      Makes me want to snuggle under a bunch of blankets….brrrr! Do you ever loose power? I know you are used to it being raised there but wow that is dang cold! I’m glad that you two are safe and warm inside:) And bbbrrrrrrrrr!!! Sending you warm hugs and wishes for a snuggly warm night:)

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nylabluesmum
        Feb 20, 2015 @ 16:59:58

        We did not lose power which was a miracle I can tell you!! Tehre were over 5,000 in the 2 counties combined who did.
        We are used to frigid cold but it does not usually last so long! Still very frigid here this week. It is supposed to be -6 Celsius tomorrow…which will be a ‘heatwave’ for us, hahahaha!!!
        Sending you love & (((HUGS)))
        Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Feb 21, 2015 @ 14:01:14

        When we lose our power, we also lose water which is worrisome with horses or livestock…I have to laugh at the heart wave as it is true….in Wyoming when it got up to zero everyone took their coats off as it was warm out:) Hugs to you and Mr. Purrrsss

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 15, 2015 @ 13:41:35

    Hey there HRCG! I think it is -67 degrees here…lol…
    It is around -30 F here with windchill; thank G-D the heating works well in our building! We are snug & warm here.
    I can not be outside much tho or I have Asthma attacks….
    We had a lovely Valentine’s Day…
    We hope you & WB had a lovely day too.
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 16, 2015 @ 13:09:32

      Huge UGH on the bitterly cold temps and weather….I know you are used to it….when we lived in Wyoming at 7500′ we had winters like you describe only the storms would move in and do their thing with snow etc. and as soon as they were done we had bright blue skies with lots of sunshine but when yo have a windchill reading of -45 at times it keeps it cold cold! Stay snuggly warm and safe……thinking of you and sending warm hugs:)

      Liked by 1 person


  9. bobmielke
    Feb 10, 2015 @ 23:12:37

    I moved to Oregon April 26, 2006 to start a job with Intel Corporation. I left everything and everyone I knew in South Carolina on the “Right” coast. I really never spent much time at the Atlantic coastline. By the time I arrived in the Pacific Northwest I really looked forward to visiting our ocean shoreline. In the 9 years since moving here I’ve walked the beaches at Seaside, Hug Point and Tillamook many times. I’ve visited every lighthouse and photographed all the scenic sights in Garabaldi, Newport and Florence. I love the ocean, it’s sounds, birds and rugged monoliths rising from the waves. I live in a beautiful valley just 65 miles from Seaside and Cannon Beach so I visit the Pacific Ocean often.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 09, 2015 @ 13:44:25

    Gorgeous photos HRCG! I am so glad you & WB got to spend that glorious 10 days on the coast. Just what the doctor ordered 😉
    I have places that inspire like the ocean does for you. funny how we both like being close to water…..or else on the land with 4 leggeds esp horses & cats!!
    WB looks well & you look beautiful as usual.
    Wishing you all the best from snowy cold blowy Canada….(it never stops snowing…lol…)
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha Henry ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 13, 2015 @ 21:27:19

      🙂 Thank you much Sherri-Ellen and Siddhartha:) It was 67 degrees here today….totally weird but ok. I cannot imagine all the snow you get but I would like it too…there is something very beautiful about lots of snow:)

      Liked by 1 person


      • Nylabluesmum
        Feb 14, 2015 @ 13:05:43

        Hi HRCG: We are back to 5 FEET fo snow & frostbite frigid temps. Being out longer than 10 minutes frostbite can set in!!!
        Thankfully it is warm indoors. I managed to walk 2 blocks to store & back for milk….we are in between storms again…another zinger on the way!
        67 F sounds tropical, rofwl!!!!!!
        (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen & Dharth xx

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Feb 15, 2015 @ 11:42:55

        Hi there you two:) I hope you had a good Valentines Day! Huge huge ugh on 5′ of snow and oh my the cold temps must be awful! So glad you have a nice snuggle warm place…I could not believe it hit 67 degrees and it felt so good to stand in the sun:) I’ll try to send some warm sunny days your way! Lots of huggies to the Purrince and lots of huggies to yous:)

        Liked by 1 person

  11. tonyarmitage
    Feb 09, 2015 @ 00:46:37

    I used to work for a company headquartered in Portland and spent many weekends driving to the coast. Cannon Beach was a favourite, as well as Seaside(bought my wife some earrings that she still has today, 20 years later). Thanks for sharing and bringing back some great memories 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  12. DezizWorld
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 13:10:29

    Bootyful fotos, all of them. We agwee here, life is way too showt and we fink yous shuld show and tell those yous luv each day just how special they awe to you. Mommy must tell us she luvs us a billion gajillion times a day. And we never get tired of hearin’ it. Course she also shows us and we twy to show and meow to her at least a gajillion times a day dat weez luv her too. Ad we twy to member to tell all ow furiends as offen as pawsibble how much we lluv them too. Hav a pawsumly blest dat.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 08, 2015 @ 16:06:45

      Ahhhh Dexi and Lexi you are so sweet…love you both:) I am like you as I never get tired of hearing it from my hubby and saying it right back to him…and I say it too all my animals…doggie Ellie is laying on my feet as I type. I kiss her head a zillion times a day with God Bless and I Love You Ellie Belle…she says it back to me in her own way by laying on my feet or washing my face or snuggling next to me. And you know what? I love you both and I think you are both beautiful…and your kitty hearts are full of love and sweetness:) I hope you have a blessed day and know that I love hearing from you:)

      Liked by 1 person


  13. reocochran
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 12:57:31

    The golden ribbons in the sky and the waves are beautiful in this photograph.

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Tuxedo Sophisticated Cat
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 08:32:40

    There’s nothing like the ocean to soothe the soul. Love these photos.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. emjayandthem
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 06:47:15

    Loved your shots and that you took the time away to reset 🙂 Good stuff! MJ

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 08, 2015 @ 15:59:46

      Thank you MJ:) It was so good for both of us to get away for awhile…we needed time to just “be”. The weather was great for us as we had several days of 70 plus degrees and sunshine, it felt so good to have the sun on my face while I was hearing the ocean waves:) WB rested…I was thankful that he was able to do nothing. Sending hugs and happiness to you for a Happy Sunday!

      Liked by 1 person


  16. Live a Whole Life Network
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 05:53:45

    Beautiful Marcy! Thank you for sharing your journey! xo

    Liked by 1 person


  17. Live a Whole Life Network
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 05:52:45

    Beautiful Marcy! Thanks for sharing the journey! xo Deb

    Liked by 1 person


  18. onespoiledcat
    Feb 08, 2015 @ 02:56:30

    What gorgeous views of an ever-changing sky and ocean….We love the Maine Coast for the same reason and always get a room with that kind of view. There’s nothing like hearing those waves at night when you’re just falling asleep…..hope it was as relaxing a break from the ranch as it sounds…….thanks for sharing it with us!

    Hugs, Pam (and Sammy)

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 08, 2015 @ 15:44:50

      Thank you much….it was soooo completely relaxing and truly peaceful:) Neither of us was ready to come home…having the condo right on the water makes it so enjoyable…no matter which room you could see the ocean and you truly did have the sensation of being on a boat! The sound of the waves was awesome and we both slept so well….it was nice to hear the ocean waves rather than WB’s snoring…the wonderful waves drowned him out! LOL:) I have always heard that the Maine coast is beautiful and someday I hope I can see the Atlantic. I have found all oceans bring me that sense of relaxing and the peace that passes all understanding. Sending you and Sammy huggies and Ellie doggie sends you loves too:)



  19. speedyrabbit
    Feb 07, 2015 @ 22:16:11

    that ocean view is incredible,I love going to the beach with long walks along the sand bare foot too,I did that every day when we was on vacation in Cuba last November even went for a swim most mornings during each walk,bliss absolute bliss.Thank you for those amazing photo’s,xx Rachel

    Liked by 1 person


    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 08, 2015 @ 15:38:22

      Thank you much….it was incredibly peaceful and so beautiful! We even had several 72 degree days and the sun was out every day except for the first day…we do not have the warm ocean water here in OR. but when we went to Hawaii several years ago the ocean water was warmer than the swimming pool at the resort! It was amazing to me as I had never experienced warm ocean water. I bet Cuba had the warm ocean waters too….there is something about the ocean no matter which one brings about that wonderful bliss:)

      Liked by 1 person


  20. Marilyn Armstrong
    Feb 07, 2015 @ 20:08:10

    Buried as we are in snow up to our lips, this looks like heaven to me!!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 07, 2015 @ 20:26:56

      It was incredible…our weather on the West Coast has been weird this winter…we had 4 days of over 70 degrees at the coast…and right now I have trees budding…and it is still winter! I can not imagine the snow you are under…we watched the storms hitting you while we were at the beach…could not believe it anymore than believing 70 degrees at the cost in January!



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