Code Of The West

Code Of The West

By James P. Owen


Cowboys are known for being a symbol of American culture and values. They live by the Code of the West.


The West is a place where the fence is always tight but the gate is always open to friends and neighbors.

Dad and I Herding Cattle

A cowboy gets his strength from knowing what is right and what is wrong. A cowboy is true to his beliefs. The Code of the West is not carved in stone, in fact, it is not even written down on paper. Yet, while not every cowboy abided by the Code, every cowboy knew what it was.


Today’s cowboy may not use this specific term, but it remains his inner integrity for making daily decisions.

What follows are several principles that capture the Code of the West.


Sit tall in your saddle

Take pride in your work.

I Corinthians 14:40 / I Corinthians 9:24 / Psalm 37: 23-24

Spring River

Put in a good days work

Always finish what you start

Romans 8:28 / Jeremiah 29:11 / II Theologians 3:10


Tend to your herd

Take good care of your animals

Proverbs 27:23 / Proverbs 12:10 / Mathew 12:11-12


Be a top hand

Live everyday with courage

Joshua 1:9 / Psalm 27:14 / Psalm 121:2


Mean what you say and do what you mean

When you make a promise, keep it

Mathew 5:37 / Luke 16:12 / Proverbs 10:9


Cowboy UP!

Do what has to be done

Proverbs 16:3 / Proverbs 10:4 /  Proverbs 6:10-11


Draw a line in the sand

Know where to draw the line

Ephesians 6:13 / Proverbs 12:9 / Proverbs 12:11


Be a straight shooter

Be tough, but fair

Psalm 112:5 / Proverbs 11:3 / Proverbs 16:11


Ride for the brand

Be a good steward of your land and your ranch

James 1:22 / Psalm 37: 3-4 / Mathew 6:33


Careful or you’ll have to eat your words

Talk less and say more

Ephesians 4:29 / Proverbs 18:21 / Proverbs 15:2


Remember that some things aren’t for sale

Don’t compromise

Proverbs 22:1 / Acts 8:17-20 / Proverbs 4:7-9


Lord willing and the creek don’t rise

Don’t worry, Be happy

I Peter 5:7 / Philippians 4:6 / Mathew 6:25-34


Be neighborly

Give a helping hand

Mathew 7:12 / Mathew 5:16 / Mathew 5:41-42


Be thankful every day as you praise God for your life

Jeeping Evening

Praise the LORD! Give thanks to the LORD!

Psalm 150:6 / Psalm 118:24 / Colossians 3:17

This Memorial Day weekend we will remember those who went before us…


God Bless You Mom and Dad…I miss you and I love you!


We will remember those who went to war for the United States of America…to protect our lives and our country.


Wherever you are, let the sunshine warm your heart, your face and your words…as summer is almost here!

HRCG is over and out but not for long…..

36 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nylabluesmum
    Jul 30, 2014 @ 19:28:51

    Thank you HECG for the words of encouragement! Nylablue stabilize for a few weeks. As the IBD progresses I see the decline. I also see a cat who wants to live & she fights to stay with me.
    I suspect Minnie is the same. Our love carries them thru’. Please kiss her for me!
    I shall kiss Nylablue for you 😉
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too x0x0x0



  2. Nylabluesmum
    Jul 29, 2014 @ 08:43:49

    HI HRCG: I have healed up physcially. If you read Nylablue’s last few blogs you will see we had more challenges. This Summer is a wild rollercoaster. Just trying to get thru all the changes without going crazy!
    Nylablue is not doing as well as she was. Hanging in there for now….
    We both are hanging in here…
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jul 29, 2014 @ 09:23:00

      I will go catch up and read your blog:) I am so glad you are healed up and will continue to pray for you and for Nylablue….I am sorry she is not doing so well:( Keep believing that she will be fine…don’t give up that vision of good health for her and living a good life:) I worry about Minnie all the time too…she is so precious!
      Hugs and prayers,



  3. Nylabluesmum
    Jul 13, 2014 @ 18:10:56

    Hello HRCG!!! Yes I am MUCH improved!!! I have been using ice & then at night putting on Analgesic Rub & a knee sleeve to keep knee warm. I am wearing my brace during the day & that has helped loads.
    I am glad I am getting better as my Doctor is on vacation; probably sailing around Cape Horn! She & her hubby are avid yachtspeople….
    I promise I am being extremely good! I even went to Temple Friday night 😉
    (((HUGS))) & best wishes to you too
    Sherri-Ellen 🙂



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jul 28, 2014 @ 21:30:07

      Hi Sherri-Ellen and Ms. Nylablue:) I did not see your comments and I feel badly:( I am so sorry for missing you! So glad to hear you have gotten much better and hope that all is well for you and for Nylablue:) Hugs and Prayers…..HRCG



  4. Nylabluesmum
    Jul 09, 2014 @ 17:02:42

    HI HRCG! I did it to myself; it was a dumb move to drag that dresser thru the place WITHOUT wearing my knee braces! I was not thinking. OUCH!
    As for my family; they are in denial over my health & mobility issues. I have accepted a long time ago they are not supportive. As for my friends here sometimes they just don’t think either. I get tired asking for help…
    So I soldier on as best I can…
    Oh my next I shall be throwing my hand over my forehead & swooning, hahahaha!!
    Nylablue is doing well which is most important to me 😉
    Please kiss Minnie for me.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue x0x0



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jul 13, 2014 @ 18:02:56

      I am hoping you are much better! I do understand as I often push it and pay for it when I do…kind of crazy but like you sometimes there is no one around except me and I have to get it done! But geesh, be careful and if you are not better, then call your doctor ok! And be good:) Hugs and prayers….me



  5. Nylabluesmum
    Jul 01, 2014 @ 16:23:46

    I hear you HRCG! I used to run on 4 hourz a day of sleep when I was a Tow Truck Owner/Operator. Did that for 5 yrs. Was a Live-In Nanny for 4 yrs & did volunteer work & worked at Summer Festivals & also did Improv. ThenI used to hold down 2 jobs & had a Quadriplegic hubby & 2 places to clean & Mingflower Siamese. I have always been on the move & doing something. Now I can barely manage a 1 bedroom apt. & Nylablue & feeding the ferals. It has been a huge adjustment learning to do work with reduced mobility & energy. At least I am not so anal about things being spotless anymore!
    The knee is responding to care: ice; analgesic rub; wearing knee brace & staying in/on patio. I was going to go walking with the Walker but realized my knee is not repaired enough for that yet…..
    I need this knee replaced. Unfortunately I can’t get it done while Nylablue is with me as I need help with her care & Home care will not do anything for her. My family will not assist so I am stuck with my blown out knee for the forseeable future.
    it is all right; I’d rather have Nylablue with me 😉
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylalbue ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jul 06, 2014 @ 18:14:03

      I am so sorry you have to live with a blown out knee…I do not understand families today…the world has changed so much with how families relate and treat each other…makes no sense. I pray that God will relieve the pain and that He will bless you and Nylablue with healing and good health….and lots of love:)



  6. Nylabluesmum
    Jun 28, 2014 @ 19:00:27

    LOL HRCG I am sure I am sitll 18 in my head. I want to go-go-go. The body can not go like that anymore so I have learned to accept the limitations.
    Like today (Saturday): I did some handwashing & the dishes. Wrote my friend in Wales. helped a neighbor with a bit of gardening. Had Nylablue’s litter & food dleivered & feral food too & put it away. Rested too. I blew my knee out Thursday trying to shlep my old dresser out of the place. It did not seem like it was that heavy. I was careful & yet I managed to wreck that messed up knee….so I have to rest it or it will not heal.
    I do forget my limitations….I think we all do….it is a ‘live & learn’ situation isn’t it??
    Sherri-Ellen 😉



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jun 30, 2014 @ 18:26:23

      It is odd isn’t it how you can feel the energy and yet you are not able to do it anymore as well…I used to clean this old house top to bottom in a day while also coking for a family of 5 and squeezing in a horse ride after dinner this time of year…and I was not tired…I got it done and felt just fine:) Now I clean one floor at a time per day…and I take it at the speed I want to. It took me 2-3 years of wrestling with not being able to do as much of the horse training I used to do…and that I can not lift stuff…I felt silly but…that is that and I finally could see the light as I realized that we have one life to live and when we need to be careful we need to listen to our body:) And OW OW OW on your knee…be good Sherri-Ellen and if need be go see the doctor…take it nice and slow so that it can heal right….oh I am so sorry for you and dang it anyway! I will be praying that God heals you up and that knee will be good as new!



  7. Nylabluesmum
    Jun 27, 2014 @ 18:45:04

    Hurrah HRCG for feeling better!!! That is great news. Life is tiring as we age. I find I do not have enough energy to do all I need to do daily (with the health probs it makes things more difficult). I have kearned to ‘gear down’ so I still enjoy life w/out getting all uptight 😉
    Nylablue has done great from Tuesday til today (Friday)!!! The 1/8th Mirtazipine has heloed her appetite w//out causing diarrhea! What a relief…
    Wishing you a good & peaceful weekend.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jun 27, 2014 @ 21:29:36

      Yeah Yahooey!!! I am learning as I go….I still do not feel I am that old…seems silly…but my body tells me different…and you have words of wisdom. We have to figure out our limits and then live them…not worry that we can no do the stuff we used to…hard or not:)
      I am happy happy that Nylablue is doing so well with the meds….praying for a peaceful and restful weekend for you both:) Huggies, kitty rubs, and kitty hugs from Minnie, Me and Ellie:)



  8. Nylabluesmum
    Jun 25, 2014 @ 11:32:19

    Hurrah HRCG for feeling stronger!!! What lovely news. I will continue to pray for you also.
    I am better from my bowel episode. Much better 😉
    Nylablue is a bit quiet today but did have a good appointment yesterday. It is still cloudy & cool today so Nylablue is stayin inside. We are having a quiet day & I am working on blog replies & reading blogs.
    Tomorrow I get my Lidocaine shots! That will help me alot.
    Best wishes, Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jun 27, 2014 @ 09:50:45

      Yeah I do feel better…still get super tired by days end but I think that is just life:) I am glad to hear you are doing better too…health issues can be pains huh? I hope and pray Nylablue is better today…we are sending hugs and lots of prayers.
      HRCG and the Qeenie of my house Minnie Mouse:)



  9. Nylabluesmum
    Jun 22, 2014 @ 15:22:37

    Hi again HRCG: 2 days of glorious sunshine & warm temps. Nylablue has been out in her Condo & enjoying the sun & eating fairly well. Tell Minnie that Nylablue sends her love to her!!!
    Hope you are feeling better also 😉
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jun 23, 2014 @ 20:53:21

      Hi there Sherri-Ellen and Mizzz Nylablue! I am so happy to hear that Miss Blue is enjoying the sunshine and warmer temps…she deserves it as she has been thorugh a lot….you both have….so I am a praying that God will restore your rest and energy and that He will heal Nylablue as in a miracle:) Amen:) I am feeling stronger so that is a good thing:)



  10. Nylabluesmum
    Jun 19, 2014 @ 08:44:50

    Hello HRCG! Thank you for your support & kind words. Ypu always help me feel more hopeful. I go between despair & hopefulness…it is a rollercoaster ride….a tiring one at that….
    I keep reminding myself of the promise I made Nylablue 8 years ago to give her a good life & she has had that…..I have nothing to feel bad about…I made up for all the neglect & abuse & illness. I just am a sore loser, lol….
    Today she is eating & out in Condo sunning herself. A good day. These are the days that give me hope!
    Thank you again for being a great support to us.
    Love Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue ❤ ❤



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Jun 19, 2014 @ 20:06:02

      You are a very good Kitty Girl Mom:) Miss Minnie agrees…and I send you my prayers and support gf…I am so glad that Nylablue is having a good day and enjoying her life:) I am sending you lots of HOPE and good times a head for you and Ms. Nylablue:) Love you lots and send prayers always and hugs too:)



  11. Nin Ashmore
    Jun 16, 2014 @ 22:57:46

    I love this post!



  12. insanitybytes22
    May 28, 2014 @ 18:05:37

    That was really delightful to read. Thank you!



  13. philosophermouseofthehedge
    May 28, 2014 @ 14:15:01

    Beautiful post.(you ought to sell posters of it)
    This used to be America.
    And has been said here, “Open the gate and come in, but be sure to close it up tight afterwards. Better to spend time sittin’ on the porch talkin’ than chasing cows.”



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      May 28, 2014 @ 21:02:11

      Thank you much:) I loved doing it…it is so very true and many of us grew up with it and know it well. And it used to be America….totally agree. It was a different time and somehow even though we tried to pass it on it did not seem to fit or make an impression that this is how we live our lives…the code of honor is what makes us Americans! Amen on the gate or gates….there is nothing like running out the door as you see the last of 80 steers booking down the road or worse yet the horses getting out in the middle of the night….not fun at all…but good stories to write and no I do not want to write one:) Yee-haw!!!



  14. Nylabluesmum
    May 28, 2014 @ 12:32:35

    Brilliant blog HRCG!!! I love the Cowboy code of honour & you know I live by it…maybe there IS a ‘cowgirl’ deep down inside me!
    I love the matching Bible quotes also…
    Ellie is looking gorgeous & that sunset is amazing.
    So glad we are friends.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too xoxoxo



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      May 28, 2014 @ 20:56:34

      Oh thank you thank you:) I love the cowboy code of honor…I know you do live by it and I also know there is a cowgirl deep down inside of you!!! I know too that you are my sister in my heart…and I am glad we are friends too:) I can see that inner spirit in your heart that fights for Nylablue as you truly represent the cowgirl way with never giving up and fighting for your animals life…you are doing what you have to do and doing it right!!! Hugs and lots of love for you and Nylablue:)



  15. Mike
    May 28, 2014 @ 10:44:14

    Reblogged this on This Got My Attention and commented:
    Something terrific from the Hot Rod Cowgirl! 🙂



  16. megtraveling
    May 28, 2014 @ 05:28:37

    These are wonderful traits indeed – great post!



  17. Marilyn Armstrong
    May 24, 2014 @ 20:05:48

    Definitely words to live by 🙂 Good to remember this holiday is not just about getting a day off work, sales at the mall or how much you can barbecue!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      May 27, 2014 @ 18:57:34

      Thank you much my friend:) Hoping you are doing well and that each day you are getting stronger:)I’m running slower here…doctors are trying to figure out my low sodium…it makes me tired and gives you a bit of confusion often….such a pain in the you know where! but we will persevere through this too and keep positive! Sending you hugs and prayers for a full recovery:) Tell Gary Hi too!



  18. Levi Thetford
    May 23, 2014 @ 10:12:18

    This is extra special!! Great job. As one cowboy to another enjoy your Memorial Day. We will be at the local cemetery doing the old-time flowering graves, VFW with the bugles and guns and neighborly talk. Thanks again Brother!!👍



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