A Merry Christmas Morning Dawned And A Happy New Years 2013 Is Coming Up!


A Merry Christmas Morning Dawned, Full Of Rainbow Colors, Playing Softly In The Early Morning Light,


 As The Morning Sun Ignited The Blaze Of Radiance On Another Juniper Canyon Day.


Santa Paws Had Left Minnie Mouse A Kitty Amusement To Scratch On, While Smelling The Catnip!


I Loved The Reflection Of The Fiery Christmas Sky That Was Captured In My Window, It Made My Heart Smile!


As My Minnie Girl Twirls Her Coat Of Many Colors, Full Of Catnip, With Minnie Mouse Style!


And The “Christmas Son” Rose…


Throwing Creative Shadows Across The Golden Land.


While Minnie Played…Attacking Her New Toys…Still Munching On Her Yummy Catnip:)


And Then Snow Began To Fall! Is It Really Snow???


But, What Happened To The Beautiful Early Morning Blue Skies? Do You Know Ms. Ki?


“Mom, I Think It Is Snowing…You Know It’s Christmas…It’s The Winter And Snowy Time Of Year. Only Our God Could Change Our Day From Sunny Blue Skies And Incredible Sunrises To A Snowy Christmas Day Just For Us!”


And With That Said, “We At HRCG All Wish You A Merry Christmas Good Night And A Happy New Years Coming Up! 2013 Style!”

33 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Ajaytao2010
    Apr 10, 2013 @ 23:17:36

    I loved your blog very much
    and your lifestyle too

    beautiful photography

    thank you very much Hot Rod Cowgirl



  2. philosophermouseofthehedge
    Dec 31, 2012 @ 09:09:01

    Always enjoy stopping by to see your gorgeous pictures.
    (Did you notice the cat scratcher shape is so similar to the curves and shapes of your environment? Looks like a great cat entertainment piece…might have to get one of those)
    Hope the new year brings lots of smile and adventures to you and yours!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 31, 2012 @ 09:47:42

      Thank you:) I was excited to capture the beautiful sunrise on Christmas morning….the weather that day was so vast and ever changing which was fun to watch. Minnie loves her cat scratcher…..she lays on it as the curves also fit her body and she sits on it…plays with her mice toys on it as well…I was not sure when I bought it if she would like it or not…as you probably know cats have a way of choosing what they like not you choosing for them:) I call it “Catitude” and I love Minnie’s antics and playful personality:) Wishing you a fun filled and happy new year too that includes all your family both human and furry too:) Minnie says Have a Meowy Happy Mew Years too:)



  3. Heather @ SugarDish(Me)
    Dec 29, 2012 @ 04:56:11

    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I am currently super jealous of all the people that have snow even (which is currently most of the country)… None here for two years and it’s so depressing!! Hope your Christmas was wonderful and your New Years is great– cheers to 2013!!!!!!!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 29, 2012 @ 19:35:41

      Thank you Thank you:) I know how you feel as often and that means pretty much of our winters the last 15 years have been either pathetic snow as in a skiff or none at all. When I was young and after WB and got married we had lots of snow out here and often so much so that we would be snowed in for a few days until the country road crew could dig us out…I do remember huge drifts when our kids were in the school 8 miles from our house. I would have to take the four wheel drive to go pick them up in the winter months after basketball practice about 7:00 at night and the roadside drifts after the road was open were above my four wheel drive pick up….so yes right now it is snowing as I write but a very fine snow and maybe we have an inch or two at best on the ground….earlier today we had a water pipe break in one of the heated automatic livestock watering troughs and we had to dig it out…and etc. etc. etc. and we did not have much snow left then….just ice….and dang cold….it has been cold cold now for a few weeks…suppose to get down to 10 degrees tomorrow night….and having lived in Wyoming that is nothing I know….there we often had -30 degrees. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too and I wish you the very best and Happiest New Years Ever:)!!!!



  4. singleworkingmomswm
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:22:52

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too, HRCG! What wonderful images you captured. I cannot get over those sunrises and skyscapes. They are amazing. God is so good, and His creation so magical when we stop to take a look. Our Christmas was very mellow but nice, just me and my kiddo, and of course, all of our furry kids at home. I brought my horse a treat to hang in his stall on Christmas Eve and gave all of the horsies carrots and apples, too. Been super ill with a bad infection for over 6 weeks…finally got off the meds and am beginning to feel like my “old” self. So happy to read your post and see the snow. Been cold here, too, lots of frost, which is neat, as well, to see on the rooftops and car hoods. Lots of hugs and all the best in 2013! XOXO-SWM



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:52:58

      Thank you so much:) I’m so sorry to hear of your being ill for six weeks…that is so hard when you get almost well and relapse…the meds get truly old quick! My hubby had something like that two winters ago where he came down with it after Christmas and went through something like 5 different antibiotics before he could get on top of it finally the end of April. It is hard when it is just you and your kiddo too….so I am glad to hear that you are feeling like you again:) I know God is incredible in how He blesses us with life all around us if we look for it, in scenery, the weather, our animals, and the eyes of our loved ones too…I am so thankful for His grace and His love:) Today we started out with bright sunshine and blue skies and right now we have fog…and it is colder now too. Usually the fog does not last long but we have had years where it will last for days at a time and that gets old both for my horses and for us…those gray cold days can wear on you…then I have to really get creative with finding some little incredible thing to take a photo of…usually my horses or doggies and Minnie…the hubby gets crabby if I follow him around with my camera:) I know what you mean about frost as it can be very beautiful, sparkles in the light and after several days it grows too! I send you lots of hugs, prayers for a very Blessed 2013 and always happy thoughts:) God Bless:)



  5. bentehaarstad
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:12:40

    Nice photos. Happy Hollidays!



  6. megtraveling
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 13:17:24

    Beautiful pictures and post – have a Happy New Year!



  7. zannyro
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 12:43:08

    Happy New Year! What a spectacular Christmas day you had 🙂



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:39:00

      It was an incredible Christmas Day from beginning to end:) I was amazed how every time I looked out the window there was another opportunity for photos:) It was great that the horses, dogs, kitties and Minnie all had a treat filled day too:) Our animals are blessings and wonderful to have as part of our lives. Wishing you a Happy and Blessed 2013:)



  8. nokotahorse
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 07:51:55

    A beautiful sunrise at your always beautiful place, Happy New Year!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:35:29

      Thank you so much:) I do love where we live, it is so peaceful and always there is a good photo op…I also think your place is very beautiful and I love your horses too:) Wishing you the very Best Of 2013!



  9. Marcella Rousseau
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 07:37:12

    Beautiful pictures. Love the Golden Land photo. Have a Happy Marcy!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:32:58

      Thank you:) I loved the golden land image too..the light was perfect and cast a warm golden glow all around me…it was a magical day of pictures and interesting to see it change so vastly…never a dull moment:) Wishing you the Best and Happiest New Years Ahead:)



  10. bobmielke
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 04:42:51

    I do so love cats! I spent Christmas day with my best friend, Warren, & his parents. The star of the day, however, was Jack the Cat. His two new squeaky toys along side his ZuZu were enough to tucker him out, resulting in a quick nap in the middle of all the fuss. You certainly must have had a marvelous day yourself with the beautiful photographs of that sunrise. I’m frankly quite sick of the Rain in Portland. We had a record 29 days of rain in the past month. 😦 – Bob



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:24:14

      Wow 29 days of rain would be depressing to me and I would agree! I do love the rain for the wheat crops we grow here but our rains come and go…the rains and gray days you describe are very hard to endure. I will have to investigate as to what a ZuZu is? Yes Minnie had a kitty nap or two as well only to wake up and go back to playing with her new mice toys and she loves her new scratcher…it is comfy for her to lay on. I was not sure at first as she has always had her carpet and rope scratchers but she likes this one and loves the catnip on it:)



  11. onespoiledcat
    Dec 28, 2012 @ 03:39:31

    Beautiful photos Minnie! Looks like Santa Paws was very good to you this year….and the gift of the beautiful skies out there was for EVERYONE I think! Glad you had a nice Christmas and here’s to a purrrrfectly FABULOUS (and healthy!) new year for everyone!

    New Year Hugs, Sammy (and his Mom)



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:18:55

      Oh thank you Sammy:) I know I am so purrfectly happy with my new scratcher and new catnip mouses to toss and chase! I love to throw them up in the air, jumping to grab them and dropping into a kitty roll around on the floor to impress my Mommy…and she laughs and smiles at me or she sings me my purrrty kitty girl song that I love:) I wish you and your Mommy and Dad too a very Purrfectly Happy New Years! Huggies to you Sammy….now I am blushing:)



  12. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Dec 27, 2012 @ 21:07:26

    What stunning images the sunrise announced that the day was going to be extra special! thanks so much for this beautiful and fun post! Z



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 27, 2012 @ 21:17:41

      Thank you:) I was so blessed when I got up and grabbed my camera…I keep it close at hand always! The sky was on fire and so pretty to see first thing…I was happy to grab a few images worth sharing…and Minnie is always fun…she truly is my heart and kitty angel girl:) Hugs for a Happy 2013!



      • Playamart - Zeebra Designs
        Dec 28, 2012 @ 07:04:16

        every so often i think, ‘should i take my camera?’ on those few times that i don’t, there’s almost always an amazing photo moment! yes, the camera is an important copilot!


      • Hot Rod Cowgirl
        Dec 28, 2012 @ 14:28:49

        I know me too…..so often I will be driving to town and moan oh no I forgot my camera as I will see a beautiful sunset or interesting clouds or something that is a definite quality photo op….I am trying to be better about grabbing it when I head out the door:)


  13. Texas, a cat in New York
    Dec 27, 2012 @ 19:26:01

    Oh Minnie! Santa brought us the same gift!
    My human thinks all the pictures are BEAUTIFUL! I think the pics of Minnie are the best =^.^=



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 27, 2012 @ 20:29:32

      Meowzers!!! Really…that is so very kitty cat kool!!! Isn’t it fun to lay on and roll around on as it scratches my fur just right….and ohhh when Mom puts the catnip on….wowzers!!! Minnie Huggs and her Mom HRCH sends Happy Holidays and Happy Wishes For 2013:)



  14. Where God Takes Me
    Dec 27, 2012 @ 19:25:29

    Beautiful photos as always! Happy New Year! 🙂



  15. catfromhell
    Dec 27, 2012 @ 19:23:28

    Kisses and Happy Holidays!



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