Magical Colors In December Skies…Yippee Ki Yi Yay!


Magical Colors In December Skies…Yippee Ki Yi Yay!!!!


This just in from “Juniper Canyon” the fog has lifted…the fog has lifted!!! Blue skies with enchanted colors have returned, hurry and go get your cameras out…lets go:) Yee-Haw!!!


“There you go again chasing after dogs, clouds, sky and whatever…Mom, seriously you need to be only worrying about me and taking my pictures!”


The contrast of the various blues, greens, golds took my breath away after so many days of darkness…thank goodness God parted the skies for a while to give us all hope!


And Miss Yippee Ki Yay herself was having fun too…she always goes with me on my hikes with my camera:)


I could on and on about this beautiful incredible view…I am very blessed to see it!


One of the gnarly trees that we grow on top of the hill behind us. It is using all of its potential…and is a great photo opportunity for me:)


A different angle of light and colors.


The one and only time I like weeds…remember “farm girl/cowgirl girl here”…weeds can give a lot to your photos as they add a different view…they are rather funky…and mysterious.


Miss Ki you are so photogenic with your colors and cute face:)


This is home…


Extraordinary wildlife above, with inspiring blue skies.


And very cute doggies below! Isn’t she cute:)


Looking out the back door up towards the hill…


Watch dogs…seriously trained watch dogs…go ahead and make their day!


One more shot of the hillside clouds playing hide and seek with my camera.


Miss Muddy Fanny Anners:)


Next years crop was farmed with no till care and is already beautifully green.


My “Little Red Bay Horse”…Annie you are cute…and no I am the boss mare silly girl.


“And with all that said Mom…I am the Boss:)”


The winter storms are once again coming…maybe bringing snow this weekend!

50 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. lilmisspoutine
    Mar 07, 2014 @ 01:09:06

    top photo: love the smile on Miss Ki. someone’s happy with the sunshine. 🙂



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Mar 07, 2014 @ 17:14:02

      Kiah was an amazing heart…she is half sister to Ellie…their colors and markings are different but they have the same heart and so very smart…Ki was the best dog we had and this may sound weird but our other two Aussies are smart too but Kiah and Ellie are way beyond them wth brilliance:)



  2. sagescenery
    Mar 02, 2014 @ 05:01:24

    I believe it’s a blessing from God that you so appreciate your beautiful surroundings (and capture them with your camera) that He’s put you & your family in…so that you can share them magnificently with all of us!! Love this post!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Mar 04, 2014 @ 18:05:26

      I take it very seriously that God chose for me to grow up here and for WB and I to live here….we are His stewards and it is also honoring whose who went before us to homestead….and you are right, the best part to my heart is knowing that I can share it with my camera, my heart and my words:) I am thankful to God for all His blessings and glory…and friends like you…thank you too for your encouragement:)



  3. patinaandcompany
    Dec 13, 2012 @ 11:37:10

    Wow, surreal beauty!



  4. TBM
    Dec 11, 2012 @ 07:36:08

    It’s been a while since I’ve seen blue skies like that. Colorado has skies like that and I miss it.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 11, 2012 @ 09:26:54

      I love the blue skies as often here in the winter months we will have gray overcast days or sometimes freezing fog…so when we get to have those blue sky days this time of year I am like you…I have missed them and outside I go with camera in hand:) Thanks so much for stopping by…I love your blog and hearing about the many places you have visited as I have not traveled very much so far in my lifetime…I would love to see the world and the different cultures and landscapes, cities and just all of it:) You are having an amazing journey:)



  5. Candy S
    Dec 09, 2012 @ 16:18:42

    Hello Cowgirl, I have nominated you for Blog of the Year 2012 Award. I have truly enjoyed your blog.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 09, 2012 @ 19:41:03

      Thank you with all my heart…truly I am humbled you would choose me for this award:) I love sharing the life God gave me with you…and with all who happen to find me and read my blog:) I think sharing our lives, our passions, our faith, with both the ups and downs is what relationships and life is all about:) I enjoy reading your blog too and congratulations to you:) I too am speechless:) But…as my hubby always says, not for long….my words do come back:) LOL but seriously thank you:) God Bless and Hugs:)



  6. Trackback: “Blog of the Year 2012″ Award « Finding Order in Chaos
  7. jesusknowsmyname
    Dec 08, 2012 @ 11:11:21

    Love the swirling fur design on the doggie!!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 08, 2012 @ 11:51:26

      🙂 She is a Tri Colored Australian Shepherd…and I like her colors too:) The other Aussie with her is called a Red Merle Australian Shepherd…pretty dogs and distinct looking. They are great watch dogs and stay close to you:) And so smart too!!! Sometimes they have different colors in their eyes but can still see clearly. Thank you for stopping in and hoping you have a relaxing weekend:)



  8. Dina
    Dec 07, 2012 @ 06:12:31

    Hi there,
    thanks a lot for visiting and making such a nice comment on the World according to Dina!
    I love your photos, you have gorgeous animals, I’m a big, big doglover too.
    Now I’ll take a closer look at your blog, look forward to following you in the future!

    Enjoy your weekend.
    Greetings from the Far North



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 07, 2012 @ 08:21:54

      Hi Dina, it is nice to meet you:) Thank you for subscribing to my blog…and I am happy that you are enjoying the photos of our animals and life here in Juniper Canyon which everyone from our nearest town that is 20 miles away calls “The North Country”….thought you would like that:) There are many Norwegians around us that either their families knew each other or they followed to see what America was about in the West. My Grandfather’s last name was Terjeson and I believe in Norway it would have been Terje…..not sure…my Grandmother was Karen and her last name was Olson. I believe that Grandfather came from Konsmo Norway, but I think he was born at Kristiansand in 1870. His father was Torge/Terje Gundersen in Norway…and mother was Anne Marie Nielsdr. He homesteaded the land here in Juniper Canyon in 1891…he gave us lots of heritage and traditions:) I make Lefse or potato cakes…our favorite…I love my Lefse rolled up warm with butter:) I am sending you warm wishes for a happy day and peaceful night…where you live is beautiful!

      HRCG or MJ



  9. zannyro
    Dec 06, 2012 @ 17:48:45

    Such a beautiful,, beautiful place….You are SO lucky 🙂 🙂



  10. catnipoflife
    Dec 06, 2012 @ 12:52:44

    May Foxie and I come for a visit. Of course, we will bring along our humans:>) Signed by the paw, Boots



  11. Teepee12
    Dec 06, 2012 @ 12:08:52

    Although you make me endless yearn for the horses I used to ride, being able to share a little in your world is a genuine gift that I treasure. Here’s an award for “Very Inspiring Blogger” that you can choose to deal with as time and inclination allow. The post with all the usual blah blah information will be up shortly after midnight EST (US) at:

    I love your world and am very glad that i can, however vicariously, partake of it.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 06, 2012 @ 12:49:39

      Thank you so much:) I am honored that you would choose me for this award….I enjoy your blog very much and your style of writing:) I appreciate this and will enjoy passing it on to others too…and I am happy that you are able to connect with my world through the blog…and hoping that it is bringing back happy memories for you:)



  12. wendy@chezchloe
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 21:04:56

    You have such sweet four legged family members 🙂



  13. Dianna
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 17:59:49

    Amazing photos, as always!



  14. bobmielke
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 15:31:34

    Very nice set of photos in this post. I’m partial to the two kitty shots. – Bob



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 05, 2012 @ 20:17:32

      Thank you so much:) Minnie loves to have her picture taken and she always gives me great poses and looks:) These two pictures were part of a last minute photo shoot of her…we were in the office and I had my camera, she was half asleep on her chair with the heat pad on and as I began to shoot images of her she would roll one way and then roll back…or she would yawn and reach out her paw…or just give me her big pretty green eyes…I shot 65 photos of her and each one she did some kind of cute pose:)



  15. catfromhell
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 08:03:30




  16. Tuxedo Sophisticated Cat
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 07:37:53

    Beautiful photos. Such a lovely winter day.



  17. duppyconqueror11
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 05:33:19

    beautifull! you’re very blessed to live in such gorgeous surroundings.



  18. Heather @ SugarDish(Me)
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 04:36:44

    Gorrrrrgeous, as usual! I am just in awe of the natural beauty surrounding you. Also loving Minnie’s no-nonsense face. Norma Jean does that, but usually when she’s about to do something bad.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 05, 2012 @ 20:07:21

      Thank you much:) I am always in awe too as the landscape is ever changing with new colors and different light…I had fun with this set of photos as it had been so dreary gray and then we had a day of blue skies with big puffy colds and it was beautiful out…I love Minnie so much as she is truly such a part of my heart..we can read each other and she likes to pose for me…I did a photo shoot with her one night when we were in the office and she was on her heat pad in her chair…I just started shooting pictures of her and she would roll over for me and reach out with her paws and give me her Minnie looks…she was so funny…I shot 65 pictures of her and she had a different look and pose in each one:)



  19. emjayandthem
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 04:02:19

    I so love your photographs!! Beautiful



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 05, 2012 @ 20:01:08

      Thank you so much MJ:) That means alot:) Last night when I was working on this post I was not quite done with it when I hit publish instead of preview…and so I had to change a few things…sometimes I can be such a ding dong klutz:):):) Wishing you a warm and happy night…Hugs:)



  20. onespoiledcat
    Dec 05, 2012 @ 03:50:43

    Gorgeous photos as always… never ceases to amaze me how many colors can be captured in landscapes and skies…..I hope you, Wild Bill and all the “creatures” there have a lovely and cozy holiday!

    Hugs, Pam (and Sam)



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 05, 2012 @ 19:55:34

      It amazes me too how beautiful landscapes can be in all seasons, each with their colors that draw you in:) I’m not sure if I am ready for snow yet and super cold….have you had snow yet? I do love the season and decorating…not crazy about un-decorating:) Minnie likes the tree and will sleep under it…and of course she makes her list for Santa Claws to bring her a few new toys and cat nip to:) Wishing you a warm holiday season too:) Ours will be a bit different as Wild Bill has to have bicep surgery on Christmas Eve day…his neck surgery healed up great but his bicep muscle on her right shoulder has three tears in it and it has been very painful…I had hoped they could have done the surgery earlier…they told me I can bring him home that evening so it will be a good celebration that he will be home and on the mend:)
      Hugs and Happy Wishes for your family and Sam:)



  21. Playamart - Zeebra Designs
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 23:00:27

    it’s so great to have these glimpses of your world! makes me nostalgic for those old days of horses and dogs and cats very much like yours! but then i think of the cold weather, and i am happy to be on the equator!
    through your blog, i can have my dose of equestrian life!



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Dec 05, 2012 @ 19:47:35

      Yes I am not a huge fan of the cold anymore either…I miss the days when we ran 800 head of cows…but winters and calving season were not fun…we used to keep the first year hefers here…and cold or not you checked them. Life has to be very much different where you live….sounds pretty and would be fun to explore a new area:)



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