The First Breathe Of Spring

The first breath of Spring is elusive here in Juniper and yet, can it be?


 Is it Spring? I felt her brush my cheek tonight as I stood outside taking pictures without a coat or shoes…I saw magic time colors…grabbed my camera and out the door I went…lucky we have a nice patio that accommodates feet with or without socks!


When we went to bed Saturday night, the snow was beginning to drift and blow…


And when we woke up Sunday morning,


We had drifts blocking various roads and doors…and fun photography shots!


However, some of us were getting a bit perturbed…ok darn right cranky!


Bitchy, Grumpy and Sweet Melody…aw my Mel, you are so sweet!


By the time we went to bed Sunday night…the great thaw had begun!


Spring is coming…hang on…tell Groundhog Phil he needs a new gig!


Over and out from HRCG and Minnie, the cat who knows where it’s at!

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 28, 2014 @ 19:29:37

    Hello HRCG: I am sorry to read Minnie is sick with infection. I hope & pray the Antibiotics work for her…
    I hope Ellie & Minnie can make peace.
    Nylablue is very unwell. Things do not look good. I did post a blog today as she & i were involved in Sammy’s Moon Trip. Sammy & all the 4 leggedz & chaperones ‘return to earth tomorrow’.
    Nylablue will be posting a blog Sunday or Monday to explain everything….please pray for her…Thank you.
    Wishing you the best from Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xoxoxo



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 28, 2014 @ 22:16:54

      Minnie is doing much better…we have 9 more days of meds but today she has been her feisty self:) I love her so much and can not imagine life without her. My heart and prayers are with you both…praying for God’s mercy with Nylablue and her healing…praying for you to keep you strong. Sending kitty loves and hugs to you both.



  2. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 24, 2014 @ 12:50:42

    Hi HRCG: It is now Monday afternoon…I apologize yet again for not being on time with replies. Nylablue is not eating very well so I am fussing over her, lol…
    We go back to Vet tomorrow for regular treatment.
    I am so releived Minnie is doing well. She is such a darling ❤
    I hope by now the sinuses have cleared & you are feeling like your proper self again!
    I had alot of sneezing yesterday but that seems to have passed….
    I am glad your appetite is returning; mine never leaves…I am a 'land shark', lol….
    (((HUGS))) & prayers & blessings to all of you there.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xoxo



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 25, 2014 @ 15:07:43

      Hi Sherri-Ellen and Nylablue:)

      I am hoping your vet check up today went very well, that all is much better. And Nylablue I hope you are back to eating good and feeling good:)
      My cold has left but now Minnie has a bladder infection so she is on the once a day antibiotic for 14 is the one that she does not get sick from and a low dose so she handled is well. She gets them every once in a while from her worrying over fretting…I think having Ellie has been stressful for her and even though Ellie leaves her alone I think hse is upset and does not like sharing me…so I am praying hard for her and also for Ellie too that God can bring her peace and settle her fears. We are back to cold temps, some fog and had major ice this morning with a bit of snow…it has melted:) Wishing you a warm snuggly night…sending prayers and hugs:)



  3. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 22, 2014 @ 08:33:24

    Hello HRCG: What idd the Vet say? I am sorry i did not get back to you sooner…with NB being so sick I was kind of busy 😉
    I am eating everything in sight; should I send you my appetite?? LOL
    I am still sneezing fo Canada (they should make it an Olympic sport..I would win Gold for sure!!)
    (((HUGS))) & best wishes back at ya!!
    Sherri-Ellen xoxoxo



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 22, 2014 @ 13:47:22

      All is well, Minnie is doing great and I am on the mend….still sneezing too and have a bit of sinus yuk left. So happy to hear that Nylablue is doing well and that you are on the mend too….yeah food has not been interesting to me for a week and my tummy is waking up somewhat:) Hugs and Prayers,



  4. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 19, 2014 @ 19:25:40

    Same as my Vet…he is the “Cat Man” so he has all up to date news & ideas on cats (altho he can heal just about anything!) There are so many kibbles & wet food out there & it can be daunting to figure out what to give our 4 leggeds…..
    Milky looking could be either a cataract or else some blindness…your Vet can check that also. Special drops & a special lite….
    I am feeling moderately better sinus/head cold wise….need to use the Neti Pot b4 bed tho’. REflux is bad tonite; as Nylablue is in a bowel flare-up. Started AFTER the Vet appt yesterday…have to take her in tomorrow for Covenia shot & possible subQ fluids….
    She was all right & then WHAM!!
    We need a break here…
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue xxx



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 19, 2014 @ 20:18:15

      I am praying all will be well and that Nylablues system settles tonight….I am still not feeling so good…food is not interesting at all and just feel blah…hoping for a turn around tomorrow. I will see what the vet says…Minnie seems herself and is content again….big hugs and get well hugs for you both:) Keep me posted:)



  5. Hot Rod Cowgirl
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:12:55

    I will check into this with the vet tomorrow…luckily for me and Min is that her vet truly understands kit kats due to her training being in the kitty area. I had a friend who had this in her dog…so yeah I had not thought about it with Minnie…and I am not sure but I think her eye that had the blood clot may be blind as it is milky looking at night….geesh….I want Minnie to be happy, healthy and ok…love her so much…she is a huge part of our lives here:) I’m glad that you are doing much better and I am praying that tonight you and Nylablue will get a good nights sleep:) Yeah my head feels like 50 pounds too:) Huge sigh and ugh!



  6. mythreemoggies
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 14:04:42

    Lovely x



  7. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 13:25:37

    Great you have this head cold/sinus thing too?? I feel like I am drowning in my own fluids so to speak!!! I have had to use Neti Pot with solution….plus Ecalyptus Oil & rub & takin Gel Caps for achey head…UGH!! I am not deathly ill; just feel like crud on a bun….toasted at that!
    I hope you are feeling somewhat better today…for me Day 3 will be the worst (Tuesday) & then things will improve…
    I am relieved Minnie’s eye is all right!! She is a marvel; then again she is so loved she probably wants to live forever!!! 😉
    Sherr-Eellen & Nylablue (the Sneezy Twins)



  8. adaisygarden
    Feb 16, 2014 @ 16:43:28

    Beautiful! 🙂



  9. Nylabluesmum
    Feb 15, 2014 @ 13:03:13

    Hi there HRCG & Minnie Cat: Excellent photos of the weather out your way!!! It seems that as soon as Spring even ‘thinks’ about coming early Winter rears up & unleashes more fury & snow!!!
    Our winter drags on altho there is little snow as 88% of the Great Lakes is frozen over…so only light flurries & actual Sunn for a few hours daily. Temps still frigid tho;…long long Winter…..
    Wishing the equines & all of you there the best!
    Happy Belated Valentine’s Day also.
    Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue too.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 16, 2014 @ 12:06:12

      I have never been to the Great Lakes but would love to see them someday…it must look odd to see it frozen over! Today we have blue skies with white puffy clouds and winds that are blowing pretty hard…but I don’t mind as it will dry the muck out from the pastures and corrals…but I know what you mean about one step forward with Spring and twenty steps back with Winter. Wishing you a warmer Sunday and more sunshine….Happy Belated Valentines Day to you and Nylablue from Minnie and Me:)



  10. jesusknowsmyname
    Feb 15, 2014 @ 06:52:53

    I noticed the ears laid back on the two horses… that sky shot, I just love that. I love being out in the open and having an unobstructed view of the sky–I know you do too! Have a great weekend! We’re having signs of spring around my neck of the woods also.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 16, 2014 @ 11:50:45

      Hi there:) Thanks for dropping! Yes I love the open views we have and the incredible skies above…yes today looks like spring here, big white puffy clouds in the blue skies above and of course we have wind blowing but after all the snow melted I am glad for the wind as it will dry the muck out of the muddy corrals etc. Happy Sunday and also a upcoming blessed week a head:)



  11. Marcella Rousseau
    Feb 14, 2014 @ 18:48:26

    Love the photo! It reminds me of a Salvador Dali painting ; – )



  12. Marilyn Armstrong
    Feb 14, 2014 @ 18:31:43

    Grumpy indeed. Where’e OUR thaw? Where are the crocuses? I’ll tell you. Buried under a ton and a half of snow and ice, that’s where. Hrrumph.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 14, 2014 @ 22:38:18

      Tell that snow to thaw and move it on out! We have had enough of winter and I am sure we will get hit one more time with it…ugh! I will send warming prayers your way to melt that ice and white stuff:)



  13. onespoiledcat
    Feb 14, 2014 @ 07:22:13

    Good for you seeing signs of Spring just in time for Valentine’s Day! We’re knee-deep of snow with no Spring in sight….yet…..but it is kind of nice to be warm and cozy inside so we’re not complaining! Beautiful as always photos!!

    Hugs and Happy Valentine’s Day
    Sammy and Pam



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 14, 2014 @ 09:34:09

      Happy Valentines Day! It was wonderful to see blue sky for a few days…today we have overcast skies and the forecast of rain. Like you I don’t mind either way as it is nice to snuggle down and stay home when we have so much snow but it is nice to see blue sky and the sun:) Minnie sends her Valentine kitty loves to Sammy…and my wishes to you that today is a wonderful beautiful day snuggling with your hubby:)



  14. bulldog
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 23:29:04

    Love the photos… but don’t be too keen to get spring, we are going to hold on to summer for as long as we can… don’t even want to think of Autumn….



  15. michellejoycebond
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 23:11:57

    The great thaw can’t come fast enough! 🙂



  16. peacelovegreatcountrymusic
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 22:34:26

    Your photos are, as always, gorrrrrrrrrrgeous! I’ve decided a new camera will make me a better photographer, at least that is my logic for buying a new camera. It’s supposed to snow tomorrow, then turn 70 and severe next week. Hello, Spring.



    • Hot Rod Cowgirl
      Feb 13, 2014 @ 23:03:16

      Ahhh thank you:) New cameras are always always fun to buy…and your logic sounds right on…that same logic has helped me tons:) I know Spring is coming before we know it but grouchy winter will play with us a bit first…70 degrees sounds wonderful!



  17. Victor Rakmil
    Feb 13, 2014 @ 22:17:44

    Lovely imagery!



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